Q&A with Soojung

"In 1st year, we are all placed with a primary care physician to shadow throughout the year but beyond that, you can "choose your own adventure" and really tailor your experiences to your interests."

MD Class of 2027

Soojung is not currently available. Please consider contacting another Student Ambassador.

What was your academic or life journey to applying to medical school?

I completed an undergraduate degree in Neuroscience at Western. Medicine was always the end goal but after an unsuccessful application cycle, impostor syndrome set in so I decided to take a 5th year to explore a career in industry through an internship in healthcare/pharmaceutical communications. While my internship was interesting, I realized I wanted to engage more directly with the people whom the products and drugs were for, solidifying that medicine was the right path for me. Following my undergraduate studies, I started working as a clinical research assistant for some cognitive neurologists at Western which soon lead to my Master's thesis project which was then followed by an acceptance to Schulich Medicine!

What has your experiential learning been like thus far?

Experiential learning thus far has been really exciting! In 1st year, we are all placed with a primary care physician to shadow throughout the year but beyond that, you can "choose your own adventure" and really tailor your experiences to your interests. I'm currently volunteering at a community program that services patients with chronic diseases and have had the opportunity to shadow physicians in specialties that I am interested in.

Where is your favourite campus study location?

The study rooms in the medical education building in Windsor are great to study with classmates! They're exclusively for medical students so there are always rooms available and the giant floor-to-ceiling windows bring in lots of light.

What is your advice for prospective applicants?

Be confident! I suffered from a lot of self doubt throughout the application process but what I've learned is that negative self-talk only hinders your ability to showcase your full potential. You need to be able to convince yourself that you are a worthy applicant to convince the admissions committee. :)