Q&A with Rhidita

"I really enjoyed participating in Tachycardia, an annual play written and produced by medical students. As someone who learned singing for many years, Tachycardia has been a great opportunity for me to share my love of music and performance with my classmates!"

MD Class of 2027

Click here to contact Rhidita

What was your academic or life journey to applying to medical school?

I completed my undergraduate studies at the University of Toronto, where I majored in immunology and human biology. During my undergrad, I took part in several opportunities I was passionate about, including co-founding a fitness mentorship club on campus and doing a research internship in Australia. I graduated in 2023, and then started medical school at Western!

What do you love about Schulich Medicine?

I love the community! Everyone tries to support one another and share resources. This camaraderie is evident not only in academics but also in the extracurriculars and social gatherings. The wonderful people at Schulich Medicine makes all these experiences memorable.

What organizations or extracurricular activities are you involved in through medical school?

One of the extracurricular activities that I really enjoyed participating in was Tachycardia, an annual play written and produced by medical students. As someone who learned singing for many years, Tachycardia has been a great opportunity for me to share my love of music and performance with my classmates!

What has your experiential learning been like thus far?

One of the main components of experiential learning is volunteering at a community organization and working with vulnerable communities. My volunteering experience in London has been with the Cross Cultural Learning Center where I host a weekly virtual Conversation Circle with recent immigrants who wish to practice speaking English. It has been a fulfilling experience creating a safe space for the participants and learning about their life stories.

Why did you become a Student Ambassador?

Receiving mentorship has been a significant part of my journey to medical school and continues to play an important role in my journey navigating medical school. I want to now share my experiences and knowledge in the hopes of helping other students in their journey. Furthermore, I hope to help the Admissions team in their goal of making the application process more transparent and accessible to all.

What is your advice for prospective applicants?

The application process can be very long, daunting, and stressful. Be sure to lean on your support system, take time to prioritize your own wellbeing, and be confident in your unique story. Seeing the diversity of backgrounds and life experiences of my classmates in medical school, I can say for sure that everyone has something special to offer to the field of medicine.