Q&A with Regan

"There was a period when I felt like I wished I had figured out that I wanted to apply to medical school earlier, so I could've applied earlier. But the years I had between my undergrad degree and starting my MD were so much fun and I grew a lot as a person. Plus, I might not have met all of the amazing people I've become friends with in my class."

MD Class of 2027

Click here to contact Regan

What was your academic or life journey to applying to medical school?

I went to Laurentian University in Sudbury for my undergrad degree and did a BSc in Forensic Science & Biology with a minor in Religious Studies. I loved my time at a smaller school and played on the varsity hockey team at Laurentian. After my undergrad was done, I worked for 2 years while applying to medical school and spent these years travelling the world. I was lucky enough to visit over 7 countries in that time period, and I'm so grateful I had the time to pursue a passion of mine before starting medical school.

What organizations or extracurricular activities are you involved in through medical school?

Schulich Medicine has something for everyone - I love it. When the upper years provided us with a link of all the various clubs, I couldn't believe how many there were! I currently play on the Class of 2027 team for our intramural hockey league, where we play against the other 3 years in the MD Program. This league is for all skill levels so I've really been enjoying seeing some of my classmates learn how to play hockey. I also am on student council's charity committee, where we organize fundraiser events for various charities in London and Windsor.

Would you change anything about your journey to medical school?

I genuinely don't think I would. There was a period when I felt like I wished I had figured out I wanted to apply to medical school earlier, so I could've applied earlier. But the years I had between my undergrad degree and starting my MD were so much fun and I grew a lot as a person. Plus, I might not have met all of the amazing people I've become friends with in my class. I truly believe things happen the way they do for a reason!

Who do you admire and why?

I've never been one to have a celebrity idol, but an exception for me is Hayley Wickenheiser. If you are unfamiliar with her, she is from Saskatchewan and is the greatest female hockey player of all time. She was an idol for me as a young hockey player and continues to be an inspiration for me now, as she has earned her MD and is completing training in Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine (while being the Assistant General Manager of the Toronto Maple Leafs, I might add). She is such a hard working individual and truly so inspiring!

What is your advice for prospective applicants?

Be yourself and do things you are genuinely passionate about. You may have heard that a million times but really take a second to think about what that means to you. In order to stand out, you have to set yourself apart - what better way to do that than to explore your interests! Even apart from the application process, this is a long road and it doesn't end with getting into medical school. Find what keeps you grounded, motivated, and happy.