Q&A with Ivy

"One of my favourite parts of experiential learning is observing the family care physician that I have been matched with for longitudinal clinical experience (LCE) which every student gets matched for. Seeing her work with patients has been an inspiring experience."

MD Class of 2027

Click here to contact Ivy

What was your academic or life journey to applying to medical school?

I went to Western and did Medical Science for my undergrad, then came back for Medicine. Go stangs!

What organizations or extracurricular activities are you involved in through medical school?

Other than being an Ambassador, I am involved in our annual school musical, Schulich Palooza. All 4 years of Medicine come together to throw a charity musical every year with acting, singing, dancing and even a band. Around half the class is involved in the musical and it's been such a fun time to hang out with people I don't normally see outside of class.

What has your experiential learning been like thus far?

One of my favourite parts of experiential learning is observing the family care physician that I have been matched with for longitudinal clinical experience (LCE) which every student gets matched for. She is situated in a rural part of Ontario and does one to two Emergency Room shifts a week in addition to her family practice. When her family practice patients present to the ER, she's able to follow up in her clinic and have incredible continuity in her care. Seeing her work with patients in both settings has been an inspiring experience.

Would you change anything about your journey to medical school?

Sometimes I think it would have been nice to take a year off to work after undergrad, specifically because I've always wanted to waitress for a bit. But hey, maybe I'll part time waitress someday with all that free time we get as doctors.

What is your favourite local attraction, activity or restaurant?

In London, I tell all my friends to visit Spaghetti Eddie's. It's a cozy little restaurant in a basement that serves these massive portions of pasta for a pretty affordable price. The food is yummy and the place is really unique, I definitely recommend.

Do you have a personal motto or favourite quote?

"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Yes, this is from AA but that isn't where I got it. Something I've really worked on in my first year of Medicine is the ability to let go of the things I can't change and in general to worry less. So far I feel like it's really helped.

Where is your favourite campus study location?

Social Science, 2nd Floor booth - not comfortable at all but it has a special place in my heart. Thames Hall - has a big plant wall, very nice. Dungeon of Medical Science Building - you'll see! Grad Club - I never get anything done but yummy food.