Q&A with Taylor

“My drive for pursuing a DDS degree is fuelled by my genuine enjoyment of the social aspects of dentistry. I find immense satisfaction in getting to know patients personally and forming lasting connections with them.

Additionally, I value the balance that dentistry strikes between science and art, offering a fulfilling blend of precision and creativity in patient treatment.”

DDS Class of 2027

Click here to contact Taylor

Why did you decide to pursue dental school?

My drive for pursuing a DDS degree is fuelled by my genuine enjoyment of the social aspects of dentistry. I find immense satisfaction in getting to know patients personally and forming lasting connections with them. Interacting with a diverse range of individuals allows me to learn about their unique backgrounds and preferences, which in turn will help me provide more effective care. Additionally, I value the balance that dentistry strikes between science and art, offering a fulfilling blend of precision and creativity in patient treatment.

What do you love about Schulich Dentistry?

There's so much to love! I adore the tight-knit community, making interactions with classmates incredibly enjoyable. Within our first week, it felt as if I had known them for years. The abundance of opportunities, from research to community outreach to intramurals, caters to everyone's interests. Engaging in these activities not only enriches my experience but also helps me connect with peers across different academic years. I wholeheartedly recommend getting involved for a truly fulfilling experience.

What organizations or extracurricular activities are you involved in through dental school?

DOCSKids, a community outreach program where dental students teach elementary school-aged children about oral health through fun, interactive activities.

Alpha Omega International Dental Fraternity, which provides networking opportunities with students not only from different years but also from other dental schools.

Intramural soccer, which provides a much-needed break from studying with friendly matches against students from Western.

Why did you become a Student Ambassador?

I know how daunting the application process for dental school can be. I felt overwhelmed as I didn't have any peers who were going through the same process as I was, and I didn't know anyone who had been accepted to dental school. My goal is to be a supportive and friendly ambassador that prospective students can rely on. I want to help students navigate the process of applications and answer questions they may have along the way.

What is your favourite local attraction, activity or restaurant?

My favourite place to visit in London is The Factory. A few friends and I go for the golf simulators, but there are so many things to do! It's a great place to hangout with friends while doing fun activities together. My favourite restaurant would be Dimi's Greek House, as it has a lively ambiance, and the food is great. If you go to celebrate an occasion, they let you smash a plate!