Q&A with Mojan

“Schulich Dentistry is more than just a dental school; it's about the whole journey it takes you on. Every week feels like a new adventure, with instructors who genuinely care about your learning and the School providing the resources you need to succeed.”


DDS Class of 2026, Advanced Standing Program for International Dental Graduates

Click here to contact Mojan

What was your academic or life journey to applying to dental school?

I was just 17 when I started dental school in Iran, and wouldn't you know it, my graduation coincided with the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Seeing the impact on oral health services, I spent nearly two years working as a general dentist, giving back to my community.

Then, I moved to Canada as an internationally trained dentist (ITD). The immigration and equivalency processes were challenging at first, but with the right mentorship, dedication, and a consistent schedule, it was manageable. I completed the AFK and IELTS exams in 2021 and applied for the Schulich Dentistry bench test course (PLA exam). Meanwhile, I worked part-time as a medical receptionist and volunteered as a dental assistant, gaining firsthand experience with the Canadian healthcare system.

What do you love about Schulich Dentistry?

Schulich Dentistry is more than just a dental school; it's about the whole journey it takes you on. Every week feels like a new adventure, with instructors who genuinely care about your learning and the School providing the resources you need to succeed.

But it's not just the dental skills and knowledge we gain here. From research opportunities and participating in community outreach programs, to celebrating our cultural backgrounds or exploring international experiences, you're surrounded by classmates and instructors who are just as passionate and supportive as you are. It's like being part of a big family where everyone's included and uplifted.

Why did you become a Student Ambassador?

It's all about sharing the amazing vibe at Schulich Dentistry – the supportive atmosphere, the inclusive community, you name it.

Schulich Dentistry has been my home away from home, giving me so many opportunities to learn and grow, and being a Student Ambassador is my way of saying thanks and paying it forward. It's all about spreading the love and passion for dentistry while making a positive impact on our school community.

Would you change anything about your journey to dental school?

One thing I wish I had done differently is how I approached connecting with Schulich Dental students before receiving my admission. Despite following their journeys on social media and exploring the School website, there was always this lingering hesitation to reach out and establish that connection.

Now, surrounded by their support, I can't help but reflect on how much their advice and guidance could have eased those moments of stress and hopelessness. Witnessing their genuine willingness to uplift others who share the same passion is truly inspiring. It's a reminder that unfounded fears should never stand in the way of seeking support and connection.

What is a fun fact about yourself?

After receiving my admission to dental school, I welcomed a Sphynx kitten into my life. Born just a few days after I got that exciting admission letter, I decided to name her after my dental school, Schulich, and she's been my emotional support and best friend ever since.