Q&A with Mansha

“My experiential learning has been transformative. Moreover, the guidance and mentorship from the faculty members has instilled in me the importance of compassion, empathy and continuous learning.”

DDS Class of 2026

Click here to contact Mansha

What was your academic or life journey to applying to dental school?

Before enrolling in Schulich Dentistry, I obtained an HBSc with an Honours Specialization in Chemistry. While pursuing my undergraduate, I had exposure to research which inspired me to pursue my MSc in Chemistry. After obtaining my MSc, I enrolled in Schulich Dentistry.

What do you love about Schulich Dentistry?

Our class is 76 students and due to the smaller class size, we have built a very tight knit community where we all help each other. The small class size also facilitates personalized instruction and advice from professors and instructors. Most importantly, Schulich provides opportunities to help and serve the community which enables us to fulfill our shared goal of making a positive impact. It instills in us the value to be of service to our society.

What organizations or extracurricular activities are you involved in through dental school?

An organization that I am currently a part of is the Student Professionalism and Ethics Association (SPEA) which promotes the students’ lifelong commitment to ethical behaviour to provide a safe treatment experience to patients. Another organization that I am involved in is the Noma Action Group (NAG-UWO) which focuses on raising awareness about a rapidly progressing gangrenous disease of the oral tissues. I am also a part of the mentorship program where a student is assigned as a mentee to an upper year student. Lastly, I am also pursuing research and I had the opportunity to present my research at the Schulich Dentistry Research Day.

What has your experiential learning been like thus far?

My experiential learning has been transformative. The hands-on experience we receive in SIM clinic for different specialities has given me the ability to think critically and solve problems pertaining to those specialities. Through our didactic courses, I have gained knowledge about the human body, oral diseases and the new advancements in dentistry. Moreover, the guidance and mentorship from the faculty members has instilled in me the importance of compassion, empathy and continuous learning.

What is a fun fact about yourself?

I am incredibly spontaneous. I thrive on the excitement of unpredictability, embracing new experiences and adventures. My spontaneous nature keeps my life interesting and exciting and allows me to enjoy each moment with unexpected twists and turns that life has to offer.

What is your advice for prospective applicants?

My advice would be to shadow and gain hands-on experience working in a dental office. This exposure will not only deepen your knowledge for the field of dentistry but will also solidify your interest in dentistry.