Q&A with Kristian

“When I was applying to dental school, I received a lot of valuable guidance and mentorship from current dental students that made the process less overwhelming. I would like to provide the same support to prospective students now that I am a dental student.”

DDS Class of 2026

Click here to contact Kristian

What was your academic or life journey to applying to dental school?

In 2017, I graduated from University of Windsor's Neuroscience program, then worked as the head waiter and manager at a local restaurant in Caesars Casino for 5 years. At the same time I opened up an e-commerce store specializing in a new technology that embedded a photograph within a gemstone. In 2020, I went back to school and obtained my MBA. I applied to dental school in 2021 and started at Schulich in 2022.

What do you love about Schulich Dentistry?

Over the past 2 years, the comradery has really stood out to me. Everyone is willing to help each other, including the students from upper years. Knowing you are not in this journey alone makes a world of a difference and makes going to school each day comfortable and exciting.

Furthermore, the professors have been amazing! Dental school is filled with so much new information, but each of them are incredibly patient and are always there to answer our questions and help us whenever we need.

What organizations or extracurricular activities are you involved in through dental school?

Dental Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation (DEBI) is a great club which helps dental students learn what to expect when they leave school and decide to open their own practice. We host an annual dental business competition and run our very own podcast called "The Business of Drilling!"

What has your experiential learning been like thus far?

It has been amazing so far! In 1st year, we began improving our hand skills in our simulation lab. In 2nd year, we continued to refine our skills as well as shadow the 3rd and 4th years in the main clinic. Later in the year we transitioned from shadowing to assisting, which helped us become more comfortable working on actual patients. In 3rd year, we begin our clinical journey, where we will have our own set of patients that we will be responsible for. I am really looking forward to being able to apply the knowledge and skills I have learned in the first two years on my future patients.

Why did you become a Student Ambassador?

Having been in a student ambassador role at my previous university for 5 years, I can say without a doubt that helping individuals who are pursuing their aspirations feel more comfortable and confident in their decision is an amazing feeling. I still remember the student ambassador that helped my transition into post-secondary education. I look forward to providing future applicants with the same confidence and excitement.

Would you change anything about your journey to dental school?

I believe that every single experience I have had leading up to my dental journey has contributed to making me a more mature and well-rounded individual.

What do you like to do for fun?

Visit new restaurants, play table tennis, and cruise in the summer!

What is your favourite local attraction, activity or restaurant?

Ironwood Kitchen + Bar. Go on Monday for all day happy hour: delicious fish tacos, oysters and an incredible chicken and corn dish that is topped with their homemade fermented honey hot sauce.

Do you have a personal motto or favourite quote?

Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives. - William A. Foster

What is a fun fact about yourself?

I have completed an extra-oral infraorbital nerve block (you may not know what that is now, but you will)!

Who do you admire and why?

My parents. They are the most hard working, kind, and generous people I know. I would not be the person I am today if it weren't for their constant support and guidance.

What is your advice for prospective applicants?

The journey to dental school is difficult and you may experience obstacles but remember to be kind to yourself and keep in mind that each setback is an opportunity to improve and grow.