Q&A with Jaskaran

"I have always loved to work with my hands, help others and be creative. The DDS Program encompasses and provides me the opportunity to practice these skills on a daily basis."

DDS Class of 2025

Jaskaran is not currently available. Please consider contacting another Student Ambassador.

Why did you decide to pursue dental school?

I have always loved to work with my hands, help others and be creative. The DDS Program encompasses and provides me the opportunity to practice these skills on a daily basis.

What was your academic or life journey to applying to dental school?

I completed my undergraduate degree at Western University, specifically, in the medical sciences program. Following that, I worked for 2 years to gain my permanent residence status in Canada. Finally, I applied to Schulich Medicine & Dentistry.

What do you love about Schulich Dentistry?

The smaller class size, welcoming faculty and the Western Campus.

What organizations or extracurricular activities are you involved in through dental school?

Student Council

Dental Entrepreneurship Business and Innovation

Why did you become a Student Ambassador?

I would like to give back to prospects candidates and help them throughout their journey.

What do you like to do for fun?

I am into technology (from devices to space exploration), Formula 1 and business.

Do you have a personal motto or favourite quote?

Conquer your mind and you can conquer the world. - Guru Nanak Dev Ji

What is a fun fact about yourself?

I can speak Italian.

Where is your favourite campus study location?

Taylor Library silent floor.