Q&A with Erin

“I like to explore around the campus for nice study spots. My current favorite spots are the newly renovated Weldon Library, University College, Thames Hall, Law Library. But I tend to return back to my good old cubicle at Taylor Library when I am under pressure.”

DDS Class of 2026

Click here to contact Erin

What was your academic or life journey to applying to dental school?

I completed a Bachelor of Medical Sciences with Honors Specialization in Physiology at Western, then continued my education in Medical Radiation Sciences at University of Toronto/Michener Institute. In my final year of the program, I decided to pursue dentistry because I realized that I wanted to be more engaged in the patient care process beyond the diagnostic stage. After I got my Medical Radiological Technolgist liscense, I worked at a hospital for 3 months before I started the DDS Program at Schulich.

What do you love about Schulich Dentistry?

What I love the most is the tight-knit community. Within this community, classmates, peers, and faculty are incredibly friendly, supportive, and always willing to lend a helping hand, making you feel right at home.

What organizations or extracurricular activities are you involved in through dental school?

DOCSKids is an outreach program that aims to educate kids in the London community about the importance of oral health.

Canadian Society for Disability and Oral Health (CSDH) UWO Chapter organizes educational and informative events to promote inclusive patient care.

The University of Western Ontario Dental Student Society (UWODSS) Mentorship Program provides an opportunity for DDS students from all years to network and provide mentorship for each other.

What is a fun fact about yourself?

If you play any note on the piano, I can tell you which note it is without looking!

Where is your favourite campus study location?

I like to explore around the campus for study spots. My current favorite spots are the newly renovated Weldon Library, University College, Thames Hall, and the Law Library, but I tend to return to my good old cubicle at Taylor Library when I am under pressure.

What is your advice for prospective applicants?

Enjoy the process and tell your story!