Lab Members

Current Members

Urooj Syed, MSc

2023-09 -

Urooj completed her Honours Bachelor of Health Science program at the University of Ottawa.  She joined the laboratory in Sepetmber 2023 as a MSc candidate.  Urooj is investigating how ageing alters stem cell niches using the bone marrow as the model system.



Undisputed Superstars

Alice (Allie McNallie)

2022-06 - 2023-06
Alice joined the group in June 2022. She worked remotely, and was always looking for new challenges. Alice had some of the same talents as Leo, including using cellulose and napping. She was a loafer, not a flopper. She is also missed dearly.


2015-06 - 2022-03
Leo joined the lab in the summer of 2015.  He did not talk much but worked extremely hard with senior members of the lab, incoming trainees, and volunteers/visitors to enhance productivity.  He brought unique expertise to the lab including odd uses of cellulose, flopping, and napping (?). From 2018 to 2022, Leo worked remotely. He is missed dearly.