• NAPCRG Award Leslie Meredith

    December 02, 2020
    Congratulations to Leslie Meredith, Program Manager, Centre for Studies in Family Medicine, who was awarded the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Outstanding Research Coordinator Award.

  • Pandemic Planning for Primary Care

    December 02, 2020
    The COVID 19 pandemic has many family physicians taking on additional roles and responsibilities in a rapidly changing health care landscape. Family physicians are working out how to re-configure their practices, identify what qualifies as essential care and how to adapt to virtual visits.

  • Honour: Dr. Carol Herbert

    November 30, 2020
    Former Dean of Schulich Medicine & Dentistry, Dr. Carol Herbert, has been awarded Canada's highest civilian honour for her contributions to clinical and academic medicine.

  • In the Media

    October 21, 2020
    Dr. Jane Thornton co-hosted the Season One, Episode 12 MSK Matters podcast. Listen here. Dr. Thornton also participated in a British Journal of Sports Medicine blog posted on October 7 titled, Opportunities for Sports and Exercise Medicine (SEM) in a Post COVID-19 world.

  • Hockey FIT goes West

    September 25, 2020
    Dr. Rob Petrella and the Hockey FIT project were featured in the London Free Press on August 12. The Hockey FIT program will be starting up in British Columbia, followed by Alberta and Saskatchewan.

  • Canada's rural residents

    September 25, 2020
    Dr. Maria Mathews’ work on out of pocket expenses for rural patients accessing health care outside of their communities was featured in Canada’s National Observer on September 14.

  • Announcement: Leadership Roles at CSFM

    May 01, 2020
    The Department of Family Medicine is pleased to announce that the director of the Centre for Studies and Family Medicine (CSFM) and the Director of Research in the Department of Family Medicine is Dr. Amanda Terry. This position was effective May 1 2020.

  • TUTOR-PHC Trainee Selection

    February 24, 2020
    TUTOR-PHC will be holding its annual Symposium to launch the program year from April 27 – April 30, 2020 at the Ivey Spencer Leadership Centre in London, Ontario. The TUTOR-PHC program is led by Co-Primary Investigators Judith Belle Brown and Amanda Terry, as well as 27 Co-Investigators from a breadth of primary health care disciplines, representing 14 universities and 5 provinces across Canada. To date, TUTOR-PHC has trained 217 interdisciplinary, primary health care researchers from across Canada and internationally. TUTOR-PHC trainees gain enhanced evidence informed decision making & leadership skills to help them become the primary health care leaders of tomorrow.


    January 29, 2020
    The TUTOR-PHC NAPCRG Networking event took place November 17 in Toronto at the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Meeting 2019. Over 45 alumni, trainees and mentors of the program attended the event including department of Family Medicine-connected representatives: Co-Primary Investigators Judith Belle Brown and Amanda Terry, Kathryn Nicholson, Jaky Kueper and Kyleigh Schraeder. Attendees had the opportunity to build relationships, discuss potential collaborations and network with researchers from across Canada and internationally.

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