• Announcement: Dr. Sonja Reichert

    November 25, 2019
    I am pleased to announce that Dr. Sonja Reichert has been appointed as the endowed Dr. Brian W. Gilbert Canada Research Chair, effective July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2024

  • FORGE AHEAD update

    November 25, 2019
    A Western based project has led to significant improvements in health outcomes for people living with diabetes in Indigenous communities across Canada. The FORGE AHEAD project was launched in response to data showing the incidence and prevalence of type 2 diabetes was significantly higher among Indigenous populations and that people living in Indigenous communities were less likely to receive adequate care.

  • TUTOR-PHC Applications 2019

    October 25, 2019
    TUTOR-PHC or Transdisciplinary Understanding and Training on Research – Primary Health Care, is a one-year, pan-Canadian interdisciplinary research capacity building program that has been training primary and integrated health care researchers, clinicians and decision-makers from family medicine, nursing, psychology, epidemiology, social work, occupational therapy, education, policy and many other disciplines since 2003.

  • In the Media: Heart and Mind study

    October 24, 2019
    The Heart and Mind study, led by Dr. Robert Petrella and funded by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, is investigating the effects of high-intensity interval training on dementia risk in older adults with hypertension. The study has recently enrolled a second wave of 60 new participants. Media coverage by CTV News.

  • In the Media: Heart and Mind study 2019

    October 23, 2019
    Researchers are recruiting a new round of seniors willing to hop on a stationary bike for science.

  • The real low-down on diabetes

    September 24, 2019
    With the aim of improving the safety and health outcomes of people with diabetes, scientists at Schulich Medicine & Dentistry have launched a new international research initiative to develop risk prediction models for hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) — a serious and costly adverse event associated with the use of certain standard diabetes medications.

  • Hockey Fans in Training

    June 18, 2019
    In partnership with local hockey teams and YMCA branches, researchers at Western University are looking to improve the health of adult male hockey fans through a 12 week, off-ice, exercise and healthy lifestyle program. Hockey Fans In Training (Hockey FIT) is run by certified coaches, helping sports fans make sustainable lifestyle changes to improve their health.

  • Announcement: Dr. Robert Petrella

    June 17, 2019
    Please join in congratulating Dr. Robert Petrella on his recent appointment as Professor and Head (Chair), Department of Family Practice at the University of British Columbia, effective October 15, 2019. Fortunately for us, Dr. Petrella will continue to lead his Lifestyle Research Team, and research program in the Centre for Studies in Family Medicine at Western as part of this new appointment, and will continue as a part-time clinical academic in our own department.

  • TUTOR-PHC Symposium 2019

    May 15, 2019
    TUTOR-PHC held its annual Symposium from May 6 to May 9, 2019 in London, Ontario at the Ivey Spencer Leadership Centre. The Symposium is the start of the year-long TUTOR program. This is the 16th year of the TUTOR-PHC program – the only interdisciplinary primary health care research training program in Canada

  • 2019 Awards of Excellence

    April 25, 2019
    As educators, researchers, innovators and leaders, the 2019 Awards of Excellence London and Windsor Campus recipients are making a difference at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry. Mariam Hayward, Mauricio Marin, and Drs. Samuel Appavoo, Matthew Dibartolomeo, Nicole Freeman, Sarah-Ann Hanik, David Huffman, Dema Kadri, Zeke Milkovic, Tatjana Milovic, Donald Neal, Ken Uffen, and Patricia Valcke, were all recognized with awards.

  • Hockey FIT Expansion

    April 22, 2019
    Today, Peter Fragiskatos, Member of Parliament, announced that the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) will be investing up to $2.5 million over three and a half years to help expand Western University’s Hockey Fans in Training (Hockey FIT) program across the country.

  • WalkMORE Program

    April 20, 2019
    Dr. Rob Petrella and team helped develop a new walking program at London Health Sciences Centre University Hospital, fourth floor Medicine inpatient unit. The program is called WalkMORE and the aim is to help patients maintain activity and reduce complications due to hospitalization.

  • Two-Eyed Seeing

    March 27, 2019
    CIHR-funded research projects led by Maria Mathews, PhD, and Lloy Wylie, PhD, incorporate multiple perspectives to advance care and training for Indigenous communities. - by Emily Leighton

  • Department Spotlight: Maria Mathews, PhD

    March 25, 2019
    Maria Mathews, PhD, has worked in rural and remote areas across Canada, and has seen firsthand the challenges associated with living in small communities, far from big health care centres. Today, you can find her in the Centre for Studies in Family Medicine, a part of the Department of Family Medicine at the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University, in London, Ontario, a hub for medical excellence in the region.

  • Heart and Mind Study update

    March 25, 2019
    Funded by The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, The Heart and Mind Study aims to improve the cognitive and vascular health in hypertensive older adults with memory complaints. The interdisciplinary team from the Centre for Studies in Family Medicine (CSFM) is looking to see if there is a difference in cognitive and vascular health outcomes after six months of either moderate continuous or high-intensity interval training on stationary bicycles.

  • Media Release: Chronic disease management new study

    March 25, 2019
    Chronic diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), are complex and require thorough care to help manage the condition. Shannon Sibbald, PhD, is leading a study to better understand integrated health care teams for chronic disease management and factors that help successful implementation.


    February 28, 2019
    The TUTOR-PHC NAPCRG Networking event took place November 17 in Toronto at the North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Meeting 2019.

  • Dr. Stewart Harris reappointed CDA Chair

    February 26, 2019
    Dr. Stewart Harris has been reappointed to his third term as the Canadian Diabetes Association Chair in Diabetes Management at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University effective January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2023.


    January 29, 2019
    Our team is pleased to announce the Patient-Oriented Research Training and Learning – Primary Health Care (PORTL-PHC) program is now online. PORTL-PHC is designed to meet the learning needs of stakeholders (patients, researchers, clinicians, and decision-makers) who are interested in engaging in, or using, patient-oriented primary health care research.

  • Diabetes Clinical Trials Update

    January 10, 2019
    The 4th Annual Diabetes Clinical Trials Update (CTU) is coming to London, Ontario on Saturday, January 12, 2019.

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