• Award: Dual Honours for a remarkable physician

    December 02, 2020
    Dr. Michael Silverman, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Infectious Diseases and Chair of the Infectious Diseases Division at the Schulich Medicine & Dentistry, is the recipient of both the Joint Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) Award and the St. Joseph’s MAC Award. It’s the first time an individual has won two MAC awards in the same year.

  • LUC3 brings care home

    November 24, 2020
    A brainchild of Department of Medicine physicians, the patient-centred LHSC Urgent COVID-19 Care Clinic has become an invaluable part of the COVID-19 care process in London and is an example of rapid quality improvement implementation in the face of a pandemic.

  • Centre for Quality, Innovation and Safety Update

    November 24, 2020
    Since establishing the Centre for Quality, Innovation and Safety (CQuInS) at the end of May, work has been ongoing with regards to operationalizing the Centre from concept to reality.

  • Commentary: What Canada learned (and didn’t learn) from the SARS pandemic

    November 23, 2020
    As the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic takes hold across the country, experts say that while Canadian officials implemented improvements to public health organization and in-hospital infection prevention and control after the SARS pandemic in 2003, vulnerabilities remained in the long-term care sector and the supply-chain for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

  • A message from Dr. Jim Calvin

    November 23, 2020
    The COVID-19 pandemic has consumed so much of our time and energy this past year, and it continues to do so. When you step back from the challenges of the pandemic, however, and look at how our Department as a whole reacted to a very threatening and unusual situation, you can really see how we all came together and managed it extremely well.

  • Education update with Dr. Salim Hatem

    November 23, 2020
    Education programs have risen to the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, and have adapted and innovated to continue providing excellent training. Dr. Salim Hatem, Program Director, provides some of the highlights from the education front.

  • Research update with Dr. Richard Kim

    November 20, 2020
    Research activities in the Department of Medicine continue to grow and evolve, with an integrated approach to measure, support and guide researchers. Dr. Richard Kim, Associate Chair of Research and Director of the Program of Experimental Medicine, shares the Department’s vision and key priorities for research.

  • Research publications in 2019

    November 18, 2020
    Publications from Department of Medicine researchers in 2019. The 2019 publication list includes peer-reviewed articles that are indexed in Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science Core Collection.

  • Expert Explainer for World Diabetes Day: Dr. Irene Hramiak on advances in diabetes care

    November 13, 2020
    Dr. Irene Hramiak is an endocrinologist and a professor and renowned researcher specializing in diabetes. She explains how diabetes care has evolved over the past 100 years and how research continues to provide better quality of life for patients.

  • Gastroenterology and Hepatology program ranked in top 25 globally

    November 05, 2020
    The Department of Medicine's Gastroenterology and Hepatology program is 22nd among comparable programs worldwide based in a ranking conducted by US News’ Best Global Universities.

  • Dr. Irene Hramiak receives Mastership from the American College of Physicians

    November 03, 2020
    Dr. Irene Hramiak, Professor of Medicine at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, has been awarded a 2020 Mastership from the American College of Physicians.

  • Insulin's centenary: The birth of an idea

    October 30, 2020
    At 2:00 a.m. on October 31, 1920, Dr. Frederick Banting, a surgeon practising in London, Ontario, conceived of an idea to isolate the internal secretion of the pancreas - an idea that culminated in the discovery and clinical use of insulin. Dr. Robert Hegele takes a look back at this important moment in a new publication for The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology.

  • Six researchers named Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellows

    September 22, 2020
    The Canadian Academy of Health Sciences selected 77 new fellows this year, among them are Schulich Medicine & Dentistry faculty members Marlys Koschinsky, PhD, Dr. Amit Garg, Grace Parraga, PhD, Dr. Michael Rieder and Lisa Saksida, PhD.

  • Researchers receive a multi-million dollar injection of funding through CIHR

    September 16, 2020
    Eight Schulich Medicine & Dentistry researchers targeting a wide range of health issues were recipients of nearly $4.9 million through the CIHR's spring 2020 competition.

  • Canadian team first in world to treat COVID-19 with specialized dialysis

    May 11, 2020
    As part of a randomized controlled trial, a team from Lawson Health Research Institute is the first in the world to treat a patient with COVID-19 using a modified dialysis device.

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