Research publications in 2019
The 2019 publication list includes peer-reviewed articles that are indexed in Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science Core Collection. Cites and Journal Impact Factor also come from Clarivate Analytics: article cites are as of October 2020 and Journal Impact Factor comes from the 2019 Incites Journal Citation Report.
Featured Publications
Apixaban to Prevent Venous Thromboembolism in Patients with Cancer
The New England Journal of Medicine
Carrier M, Abou-Nassar K, Mallick R, Tagalakis V, Shivakumar S, Schattner A, Kuruvilla P, HillD, Spadafora S, Marquis K, Trinkaus M, Tomiak A, Lee AYY, Gross PL, Lazo-Langner A, El-Maraghi R, Goss G, LeGal G, Stewart D, Ramsay T, Rodger M, Witham D, Wells PS
380 711-719
Complete Revascularization with Multivessel PCI for Myocardial Infarction
The New England Journal of Medicine
Mehta SR, Wood DA, Storey RF, Mehran R, Bainey KR, Nguyen H, Meeks B, DiPasquale G, Lopez-Sendon J, Faxon DP, Mauri L, Rao SV, Feldman L, Steg PG, Avezum A, Sheth T, Pinilla-Echeverri N, Moreno R, Campo G, Wrigley B, Kedev S, Sutton A, Oliver R, Rodes-Cabau J, Stankovic G, Welsh R, Lavi S, Cantor WJ, Wang J, Nakamya J, Bangdiwala SI, Cairns JA
381 1411-1421
Perioperative covert stroke in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery (NeuroVISION): a prospective cohort study
The Lancet
Mrkobrada M, Chan MTV, Cowan D, Campbell D, Wang CY, Torres D, Malaga G, Sanders RD, Sharma M, Brown C, Sigamani A, Szczeklik W, Sharma M, Guyatt G, Smith EE, Agid R, Dmytriw AA, Spence J, Adunuri NR, Borges FK, Short TG, Hill MD, Saad F, Copland I, Pettit S, Ibrahim Q, Bangdiwala SI, Yusuf S, Tsai S, Sahlas DJ, Mensinkai A, Sposato LA, Hussain S, Yang S, Siegal D, Khaw A, Mandzia J, Simpson S, Raval M, Karimuddin A, Phang PT, Mok VCT, Wu WKK, Yu SCH, Gin T, Loh PS, Liew MT, Ramli N, Siow YL, Fuentes M, Ortiz-Soriano V, Waymouth E, Kumar J, Sadana D, Thomas L, Kaczmarek B, Lindroth H, Sessler D, Apolcer S, Trombetta A, Handsor S, Dasgupta M, Murkin JM, Lee SF, Devereaux PJ
394 1022-1029
Association of Baclofen With Encephalopathy in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease
Muanda FT, Weir MA, Bathini L, Blake PG, Chauvin K, Dixon SN, McArthur E, Sontrop JM, Moist L, Garg AX
322 1987-1995
Antithrombotic treatment after coronary artery bypass graft surgery: systematic review and network meta-analysis
Solo K, Lavi S, Kabali C, Levine GN, Kulik A, John-Baptiste AA, Fremes SE, Martin J, Eikelboom JW, Ruel M, Huitema AA, Choudhury T, Bhatt DL, Tzemos N, Mamas MA, Bagur R
367 -
Efficacy and safety of suspend-before-low insulin pump technology in hypoglycaemia-prone adults with type 1 diabetes (SMILE): an open-label randomised controlled trial
The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology
Bosi E, Choudhary P, deValk HW, Lablanche S, Castaneda J, dePortu S, DaSilva J, Re R, Vorrink-deGroot L, Shin J, Kaufman FR, Cohen O, Bosi E, Laurenzi A, Caretto A, Choudhary P, Slatterly D, Henderson-Wilson M, Weisnagel SJ, Dube MC, Julien VE, Trevisan R, Lepore G, Bellante R, Hramiak I, Spaic T, Driscoll M, Borot S, Clergeot A, Khiat L, Hammond P, Ray S, Dinning L, Tonolo G, Manconi A, Ledda MS, deValk H, deRanitz W, Silvius B, Wojtusciszyn A, Farret A, Vriesendorp T, Immeker-deJong F, vanderLinden J, Brink HS, Alkemade M, Schaepelynck-Belicar P, Galie S, Treglia C, Lablanche S, Benhamou PY, Haddouche M, Hoogma R, Leelarathna L, Shaju A, James L
7 462-472
Practical definitions of severe versus familial hypercholesterolaemia and hypertriglyceridaemia for adult clinical practice
The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology
Garg A, Garg V, Hegele RA, Lewis GF
7 880-886
Cryoballoon or Radiofrequency Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation Assessed by Continuous Monitoring A Randomized Clinical Trial
Andrade JG, Champagne J, Dubuc M, Deyell MW, Verma A, Macle L, Leong-Sit P, Novak P, Badra-Verdu M, Sapp J, Mangat I, Khoo C, Steinberg C, Bennett MT, Tang ASL, Khairy P
140 1779-1788
BHLHA15-Positive Secretory Precursor Cells Can Give Rise to Tumors in Intestine and Colon in Mice
Hayakawa Y, Tsuboi M, Asfaha S, Kinoshita H, Niikura R, Konishi M, Hata M, Oya Y, Kim W, Middelhoff M, Hikiba Y, Higashijima N, Ihara S, Ushiku T, Fukayama M, Tailor Y, Hirata Y, Guha C, Yan KS, Koike K, Wang TC
156 1066-+
Development and Validation of a Magnetic Resonance Index for Assessing Fistulas in Patients With Crohn's Disease
Hindryckx P, Jairath V, Zou GY, Feagan BG, Sandborn WJ, Stoker J, Khanna R, Stitt L, vanViegen T, Shackelton LM, Taylor SA, Santillan C, Mearadji B, D'Haens G, Richard MP, Panes J, Rimola J
157 1233-+
Predictors of disease worsening defined by progression of organ damage in diffuse systemic sclerosis: a European Scleroderma Trials and Research (EUSTAR) analysis
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
Becker M, Graf N, Sauter R, Allanore Y, Curram J, Denton CP, Khanna D, Matucci-Cerinic M, Pena JD, Pope JE, Distler O, Matucci-Cerinic M, Guiducci S, Walker U, Jaeger V, Bannert B, Lapadula G, Becvarare R, Cutolo M, Valentini G, Siegert E, Rednic S, Allanore Y, Montecucco C, Carreira PE, Novak S, Czirjak L, Varju C, Chizzolini C, Allai D, Kucharz EJ, Cozzi F, Rozman B, Mallia C, Gabrielli A, Bancel DF, Airo P, Hesselstrand R, Martinovic D, Balbir-Gurman A, Braun-Moscovici Y, Hunzelmann N, Pellerito R, Caramaschi P, Black C, Damjanov N, Henes J, Santamaria VO, Heitmann S, Seidel M, DaSilva JAP, Stamenkovic B, Selmi CF, Tikly M, Denisov LN, Muller-Ladner U, Engelhart M, Hachulla E, Riccieri V, Ionescu RM, Mihai C, Sunderkotter C, Kuhn A, Schett G, Distler J, Meroni P, Ingegnoli F, Mouthon L, DeKeyser F, Smith V, Cantatore FP, Corrado A, Ullman S, Iversen L, Pozzi MR, Eyerich K, Hein R, Knott E, Wiland P, Szmyrka-Kaczmarek M, Sokolik R, Morgiel E, Madej M, Alegre-Sancho JJ, Krummel-Lorenz B, Saar P, Aringer M, Gunther C, Anne E, Westhovens R, DeLanghe E, Lenaerts J, Anic B, Baresic M, Mayer M, Uprus M, Otsa K, Yavuz S, Radominski SC, Muller CD, Azevedo VF, Popa S, Zenone T, Stebbings S, Highton J, Mathieu A, Vacca A, Stamp L, Chapman P, O'Donnell J, Solanki K, Doube A, Veale D, O'Rourke M, Loyo E, Li MT, Rosato E, Amoroso A, Gigante A, Oksel F, Yargucu F, Tanaseanu CM, Popescu M, Dumitrascu A, Tiglea I, Foti R, Visalli E, Benenati A, Amato G, Ancuta C, Chirieac R, Villiger P, Adler S, Dan D, Lefebvre PGD, Rubio SR, Exposito MV, Sibilia J, Chatelus E, Gottenberg JE, Chifflot H, Litinsky I, DelGaldo F, Venalis A, Saketkoo LA, Lasky JA, Kerzberg E, Montoya F, Cosentino V, Limonta M, Brucato AL, Lupi E, Spertini F, Ribi C, Buss G, Martin T, Guffroy A, Poindron V, Chung L, Schmeiser T, Zebryk P, Riso N, Riemekasten G, Rezus E, Puttini PS
78 1242-1248
Closing the Gap: Results of the Multicenter Canadian Randomized Controlled Trial of Structured Transition in Young Adults With Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes Care
Spaic T, Robinson T, Goldbloom E, Gallego P, Hramiak I, Lawson ML, Malcolm J, Mahon J, Morrison D, Parikh A, Simone A, Stein R, Uvarov A, Clarson C
42 1018-1026
The importance of patient perspectives in pulmonary hypertension
European Respiratory Journal
McGoon MD, Ferrari P, Armstrong I, Denis M, Howard LS, Lowe G, Mehta S, Murakami N, Wong BA
53 -
Ankyrin-B dysfunction predisposes to arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy and is amenable to therapy
Journal of Clinical Investigation
Roberts JD, Murphy NP, Hamilton RM, Lubbers ER, James CA, Kline CF, Gollob MH, Krahn AD, Sturm AC, Musa H, El-Refaey M, Koenig S, Aneq MA, Hoorntje ET, Graw SL, Davies RW, Rafiq MA, Koopmann TT, Aafaqi S, Fatah M, Chiasson DA, Taylor MRG, Simmons SL, Han M, vanOpbergen CJM, Wold LE, Sinagra G, Mittal K, Tichnell C, Murray B, Codima A, Nazer B, Nguyen DT, Marcus FI, Sobriera N, Lodder EM, vandenBerg MP, Spears DA, Robinson JF, Ursell PC, Green AK, Skanes AC, Tang AS, Gardner MJ, Hegele RA, vanVeen TAB, Wilde AAM, Healey JS, Janssen PML, Mestroni L, vanTintelen JP, Calkins H, Judge DP, Hund TJ, Scheinman MM, Mohler PJ
129 3171-3184
CAKUT and Autonomic Dysfunction Caused by Acetylcholine Receptor Mutations
American Journal of Human Genetics
Mann N, Kause F, Henze EK, Gharpure A, Shril S, Connaughton DM, Nakayama M, Klambt V, Majmundar AJ, Wu CHW, Kolvenbach CM, Dai RF, Chen J, vanderVen AT, Ityel H, Tooley MJ, Kari JA, Bownass L, ElDesoky S, DeFranco E, Shalaby M, Tasic V, Bauer SB, Lee RS, Beckel JM, Yu WQ, Mane SM, Lifton RP, Reutter H, Ellard S, Hibbs RE, Kawate T, Hildebrandt F
105 1286-1293
Heart failure in chronic kidney disease: conclusions from a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Controversies Conference
Kidney International
House AA, Wanner C, Sarnak MJ, Pina IL, McIntyre CW, Komenda P, Kasiske BL, Deswal A, DeFilippi CR, Cleland JGF, Anker SD, Herzog CA, Cheung M, Wheeler DC, Winkelmayer WC, McCullough PA, Abu-Alfa AK, Amann K, Aonuma K, Appel LJ, Baigent C, Bakris GL, Banerjee D, Boletis JN, Bozkurt B, Butler J, Chan CT, Costanzo MR, Dubin RF, Filippatos G, Gikonyo BM, Gikonyo DK, Najjar RJ, Iseki K, Ishii H, Knoll GA, Lenihan CR, Lentine KL, Lerma EV, Macedo E, Mark PB, Noiri E, Palazzuoli A, Pecoits R, Pitt B, Rigatto C, Rossignol P, Setoguchi S, Sood MM, Stork S, Suri RS, Szummer K, Tang SCW, Tangri N, Thompson A, Vijayaraghavan K, Walsh M, Wang AYM, Weir MR
95 1304-1317
The risk of infective endocarditis among people who inject drugs: a retrospective, population-based time series analysis
Weir MA, Slater J, Jandoc R, Koivu S, Garg AX, Silverman M
191 E93-E99