
Photograph of gloved hand lableing research

Evidence based management of the cardiac patient is a guiding principle of the Resident Training Program, and development of residents' skills in performing and interpreting research is a key objective. The research subcommittee of the Resident Training Committee oversees the research curriculum, which includes a regular series of lectures in research methods and related issues, monthly journal club, and provision of a research mentor to each incoming resident.

The lecture series includes faculty-led discussions on research methodology, statistical concepts, integrating research in career plans, and opportunity for discussion about ongoing resident projects. Journal clubs provide an opportunity to review a single manuscript in depth, with prior consultation with the faculty mentor on statistical methods, interpretation, and presentation skills. The role of each residents' research mentor is to assist in identifying research supervisors for specific projects, provide methodological insight during project design and manuscript development, and help establish goals for presentation and publication to projects as they near completion. Each resident is engaged in a significant research project throughout the year, planning the methods prior to research rotations which then provide dedicated time for performing the study. It is expected that residents will submit research abstracts for presentation at a national scientific meeting on an annual basis. All residents present their research annually at the Division of Cardiology Residents' Research Day in the spring.