School rolls out “purple” carpet to celebrate awards of excellence

Dean Yoo making speech on the stage of the event

By Communications

Schulich Medicine & Dentistry literally rolled out the purple carpet at a gala evening to celebrate the accomplishments of its community at the 33rd annual Awards of Excellence event.

With nominations from every faculty department and a 27-per-cent increase in staff nominations, there was truly much to celebrate at the event held at RBC Place Tuesday night.

 “What makes these awards so incredibly special is that these individuals are nominated and are being recognized by their colleagues, peers, mentees and mentors,” said Dr. John Yoo, dean of Schulich Medicine & Dentistry, “Thirty years’ marks a generational shift — it’s a pivotal milestone indicating a new generation – when new leaders emerge, inspiring fresh ideas and transformative progress, innovation in teaching and research.”


Schulich Awards of Excellence for Faculty

Dr. Amindeep Sandhu, Medicine

Dr. Amindeep Sandhu,

Schulich Educator Award Graduate/Postgraduate

As co-chair of the Course for Residents in Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopy (CREATE), Dr. Sadhu has demonstrated exceptional leadership by organizing highly successful events that attract gastroenterology residents from across Canada. Dr. Sandhu's impact as an educator is further reflected in the accolades he has received and in his dedication to student success.

Dr. Marisha McClean, Paediatrics

Dr. Marisha McClean,

Schulich Educator Award Graduate/Postgraduate

Dr. McClean has demonstrated a deep commitment to teaching and providing a superb learning experience for medical students, clerks, and residents. Her dedication to education is evident in her frequent engagement with learners and her ability to simplify complex concepts for students at all levels.

Dr. Steven Macaluso, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Dr. Steven Macaluso,
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Schulich Educator Award Graduate/Postgraduate

Dr. Macaluso’s commitment to innovation in postgraduate medical education curriculum design and resident training optimization is evident in his leadership during the shift from conventional to Competence by Design (CBD) education. His leadership in addressing topics like implicit bias, equity, diversity, and inclusivity has enhanced the resident training experience.

Dr. Anita Florendo-Cumbermack, Clinical Neurological Sciences

Dr. Anita Florendo-Cumbermack,
Clinical Neurological Sciences

Schulich Leader Award Graduate/Postgraduate

As the Neurology Residency Program Director (PD), Dr. Florendo-Cumbermack has excelled in her role, advocating for resident education and well-being while striving for program excellence. One of her standout achievements is the introduction of a Quality Improvement (QI) curriculum into the residency program, demonstrating her proactive approach to addressing emerging needs.

Dr. Hariharan Iyer, Medicine

Dr. Hariharan Iyer,

Schulich Leader Award Graduate/Postgraduate

Dr. Iyer's leadership as the director of Curriculum and Assessment for PGME has been transformative in postgraduate medical education. He has led the strategic implementation of competency-based medical education, created essential program resources, and conducted workshops facilitating the transition to competency-based medical education, receiving highly positive feedback for his efforts.

Dr. Jessica Howard, Family Medicine

Dr. Jessica Howard,
Family Medicine

Schulich Educator Award Undergraduate

As a full-time clinical educator at the Middlesex Centre Regional Medical Clinic, Dr. Howard has cultivated a highly sought-after clinical practice for students undergoing rotations. Her expertise in diagnosing and managing common skin disorders has translated into a valuable clinical experience for students. Her passion for medical education and commitment to student learning are evident in her actions, making her an exemplary educator and a valuable asset to the medical education community.

Dr. Marcela Ibarra, Dentistry

Dr. Marcela Ibarra,

Schulich Educator Award Undergraduate

Dr. Ibarra serves as the Division Chair of Prosthodontics and is known for her exceptional leadership and contributions to the field. Her teaching abilities have been highly praised by students. She is known for her professionalism, thoughtfulness, and hard work; and, goes above and beyond to ensure that students receive the highest quality education.

Dr. Natalia Melo, Dentistry

Dr. Natalia Melo,

Schulich Educator Award Undergraduate

One of Dr. Melo's key achievements is her proactive approach to addressing challenges in endodontics education. She has implemented crucial changes, such as additional practice sessions and structured evaluations, aimed at supporting students in mastering the tactile skills required in this discipline.

Angela Beye, PhD, Physiology & Pharmacology

Angela Beye, PhD,
Physiology & Pharmacology

Schulich Leader Award Undergraduate

Angela has played a pivotal role in enhancing 12 different courses, showcasing her expertise and dedication to student success. Her innovative teaching methods, storytelling approach, and emphasis on practical application have significantly increased the popularity of pharmacology courses, showcasing her impact on program growth and student engagement.

Charys Martin, PhD, Anatomy & Cell Biology

Charys Martin, PhD,
Anatomy & Cell Biology

Schulich Leader Award Undergraduate

As the Lead Anatomy Coordinator for undergraduate medical education (UME), Charys has played a pivotal role in designing and implementing innovative educational strategies in anatomy education. Her teaching philosophy, grounded in active learning, social accountability, and transdisciplinary integration, has earned her recognition through various faculty and university teaching awards.

Dr. Ken Milne, Medicine

Dr. Ken Milne,

Excellence for Faculty in Community & Distributed Sites Awards

These awards recognize outstanding faculty educators who have shown exceptional enthusiasm for meeting the learning needs of trainees while serving our regional and rural communities.

Dr. Ken Milne is celebrated for his remarkable commitment to transforming the learning environment and nurturing lifelong leaders among students. His teaching philosophy, characterized by patience, compassion, and thought stimulation, has garnered recognition through external awards. Dr. Milne’s embodiment of the competency framework through roles such as a medical expert, educator, communicator, collaborator, scholar, and health advocate make him an exceptional role model.

Dr. Larry Jacobs, Undergraduate internal medicine

Dr. Larry Jacobs,

Excellence for Faculty in Community & Distributed Sites Awards

These awards recognize outstanding faculty educators who have shown exceptional enthusiasm for meeting the learning needs of trainees while serving our regional and rural communities.

Dr. Jacobs’ leadership roles have been pivotal in enhancing the distributed education and clinical training environments. His unwavering support and mentorship have been crucial in helping students overcome challenges and succeed in their careers. As an exemplary role model, Dr. Jacobs’ clinical acumen, ethical standards, and compassionate care have set a high standard for students, trainees, and peers alike.

Dr. Sabe De, Medicine

Dr. Sabe De,

Excellence in Continuing Education Award

These awards recognize outstanding faculty educators who have shown exceptional enthusiasm for meeting the learning needs of trainees while serving our regional and rural communities.

Dr. De is an inspiring leader in revitalizing Continuing Medical Education opportunities. He prioritizes educational needs to ensure relevancy and appropriateness for each audience, always including gender and generational diversity and the involvement of early-career individuals in the planning. His influence has been impactful, coordinating virtual CME programs that are affordable and accessible to people everywhere.

Dr. Ruth McManus

Dr. Ruth McManus,

Faculty Mentorship Award

Dr. McManus has always provided a comfortable and non-confrontational environment for mentorship, assessing what a mentee knows currently and what they want to know, guiding them through this learning process. Her mentorship mantra is simple – no judgements, empathy and listening. Dr. McManus’ “networking” mentorship style has been instrumental in our retention of endocrine residents, thanks to the positive mark she left with them.

Dr. Michael Borrie

Dr. Michael Borrie,

Faculty Mentorship Award

Dr. Borrie’s remarkable dedication to mentorship has left its mark on our institution, particularly in geriatric medicine. He has profoundly influenced the professional development of numerous individuals in clinical practice and research. Through his early mentorship of residents, Dr. Borrie plays a pivotal role in attracting new talent to our geriatric medicine faculty at Western.

Dean’s Awards of Excellence for Research Faculty

Saman Maleki, PhD, Oncology

Saman Maleki, PhD,

Researcher of the Year

This award recognizes and honours a faculty member who has had an exceptional record of achievement this past calendar year.

Saman’s contributions to translational research include the development of new clinical trials focusing on the impact of the microbiome on immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) treatment outcomes. His contributions to translational research are remarkable, particularly in the development of new clinical trials focusing on the impact of the microbiome on immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) treatment outcomes.

Dr. Michelle Barton-Forbes, Paediatrics

Dr. Michelle Barton-Forbes, Paediatrics

Community Outreach

This award recognizes and honour a faculty member who has an exceptional history of community and public outreach with direct implications of increasing the visibility of research at Schulich.

Dr. Barton-Forbes has demonstrated a strong commitment to addressing health disparities, particularly in Black health research related to COVID-19 seroprevalence, vaccine responses, and immune responses. Her work embodies the values of inclusivity, collaboration, and translating research into tangible benefits for communities, further enhancing the visibility and reputation of Schulich as a leader in community-engaged research and healthcare advocacy.

Frank Prato, PhD, Medical Biophysics

Frank Prato, PhD,
Medical Biophysics

Distinguished Leader in Research

This award is to recognize and honor a senior faculty member who has had an exceptional career in research, leadership, and service.

Frank Prato has profoundly impacted the evolution of medical imaging and cardiovascular with a comprehensive and exceptional career spanning over 40 years at Western University. Frank's contributions, spanning critical areas such as cardiology, neurology, and high-intensity magnetic fields' safety and therapeutic applications, showcase his breadth of expertise and global impact on medical science.

Taylor Schmitz, PhD, Physiology & Pharmacology

Taylor Schmitz, PhD,
Physiology & Pharmacology

Research and Innovation Excellence - Early Career Researchers

Taylor has demonstrated exceptional productivity and leadership in the field of Alzheimer’s disease research, establishing a world-class research program. As an early career investigator, Taylor's publication metrics are excellent, with an h-index of 29 and over 4,300 citations to date. His research publications, including impactful work in Brain and Nature Neuroscience, have garnered significant attention and are changing perspectives in Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis.

Dr. Swati Mehta, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Dr. Swati Mehta,
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Research and Innovation Excellence - Early Career Researchers

Dr. Mehta has secured over $2 million in research funding as Principal Investigator, leading to over 80 peer-reviewed publications and receiving prestigious awards like the Royal Society of Canada, Alice Wilson Award for women of outstanding academic qualifications. Her clinical trial using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for individuals with spinal cord injuries saw a 60-per-cent reduction in symptoms of depression and anxiety post-treatment, leading to improved quality of life and self-efficacy for her patients.

Art Poon, PhD, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Art Poon, PhD,
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Research and Innovation Excellence - Mid Career Researchers

Art has made major contributions to virus evolution studies, particularly in developing tools like the HyPhy software package and pioneering statistical methods for analyzing virus transmission and adaptation through genetic variations. A key aspect of Art’s impact lies in his ability to secure competitive grants and his publication record is equally impressive, with over 115 peer-reviewed publications and numerous book chapters.

Dr. Thomas Appleton, Medicine and Physiology & Pharmacology

Dr. Thomas Appleton,
Medicine and Physiology & Pharmacology

Research and Innovation Excellence - Mid Career Researchers

Dr. Appleton stands out as a leader in translational osteoarthritis research. His groundbreaking work includes establishing a rat model of osteoarthritis during his MD/PhD program, resulting in impactful publications and setting the stage for his career.

Marlys Koschinsky, PhD, Physiology & Pharmacology

Marlys Koschinsky, PhD,
Physiology & Pharmacology

Research and Innovation Excellence - Senior Career Researchers

Marlys is a distinguished researcher with a remarkable career spanning several decades. The cornerstone of her work is the significant contributions she has made to the discovery and characterization of Lipoprotein(a) or Lp(a) for short, a critical factor in atherosclerosis. Her research innovations have had a profound impact on understanding Lp(a) and its role in cardiovascular diseases. her work has influenced clinical trials, therapeutic strategies and health screening guidelines, demonstrating the translational impact of her research.

Schulich Awards of Excellence for Staff

Olga Krougly

Olga Krougly,
Physiology and Pharmacology

Continuous Excellence - Individual

Olga has consistently demonstrated exceptional service, whether assisting prospective students with admissions queries or supporting faculty members. Her adaptability, technical proficiency, and unwavering commitment to excellence have earned her widespread respect and admiration across the department.

Michael Murray

Michael Murray,
Undergraduate Medical Education Office

Innovation Award

As the eLearning Technology Specialist with the MD program, Michael has embodied innovation by spearheading transformative initiatives that have redefined and expanded our digital learning and education capacities, leveraging the promise of the digital age for inclusivity and access for all.

Sherri Moore

Sherri Moore,

Spirit Award

As the Administrative Coordinator for the Office of the Vice Dean & Director of Dentistry, Sherri consistently demonstrates a remarkable spirit of generosity and selflessness. She tirelessly advocates for equity, diversity, and inclusion across Schulich and truly embodies the core values of our institution.

Jennifer Chambers

Jennifer Chambers,
Basic Medical Sciences Undergrad Education Office

Newcomer Award

Jennifer's impact since joining the BMSUE office has been immediate and highly beneficial for the BMSc and Neuroscience programs. Her proactive approach, strategic thinking, and genuine care for students have set a new standard for excellence. Jennifer's genuine passion for enhancing the student experience is seen by her team and celebrated throughout her nomination package.

Sylvie Richer

Sylvie Richer,

Inspirational Leadership Award

As Manager of Clinic Operations at Schulich Dentistry, Sylvie has consistently demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities that have greatly enhanced the dental clinics' efficiency, effectiveness, and morale. Her democratic approach to leadership has led to a more engaged and motivated team and innovative solutions that have greatly improved clinic operations. Sylvie's dedication to understanding and aligning individual interests with project assignments has fostered a strong sense of camaraderie and synergy among team members.