Social Accountability in Action

Equity, diversity, inclusion, and antiracism are foundational in making real our commitment to being a more inclusive School. We are working diligently to ensure that everyone finds a home in our enterprise. It’s the only way we can maximize our potential. As highlighted by the stories below, we are making strong and steady progress toward our goal of bringing these values to life – on campus and beyond.

Social Accountability in Numbers

Attracting students from under-represented groups


of 190 MD students who self-identify as racialized in 2023

Serving communities in need


More children treated in 2023 through the Dentistry Surgical Care Unit, which serves children who face barriers accessing dental care

Nurturing excellence in postgraduate medical education


Renovation of the Paediatric Dental Clinic to make it more accessible for children with special needs

Improving access through financial assistance


Financial awards for Medicine and Dentistry students in 2023

Enhancing interdisciplinarity in our graduate programming



Total financial assistance for Medicine and Dentistry students in 2023

Strengthening learner assessment


Increase in financial assistance in 2023 for Medicine and Dentistry students over previous year


Needs-based financial awards for Medicine and Dentistry students in 2023


Increase in needs-based financial awards for Medicine and Dentistry students in 2023 over previous year

Addressing the distinct health needs of Southwestern Ontario


New resident training elective – the Shelter Health initiative – established at Windsor campus to bring much-needed care to those experiencing homelessness

Improving student access for under-represented and equity-deserving groups


New immersive summer program (X-Labs) created to make biomedical sciences more accessible for high school students from diverse backgrounds

Addressing climate change and sustainability and their impacts on human health


Newly-signed Declaration on Planetary Health, recently launched by the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC), to build sustainable and climate-resilient health systems

Nurturing excellence in postgraduate medical education


Schulich leader appointed to World Health Organization’s New Advisory Group on “Embedding Ethics in Health and Climate Change Policy” to help navigate ethical issues across the health and climate change field. (Nicole Redvers, associate professor, Western Research Chair and Director of Indigenous Planetary Health at Schulich Medicine & Dentistry)

Social Accountability in Action

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