Clinical Services
At Southwest Centre for Forensic Mental Health Care, a recovery-oriented psychosocial rehabilitation model provides a framework for care delivery across four inpatient units and a large outreach service. The forensic program has a regional mandate providing specialized expertise across Southwestern Ontario.
Forensic Assessment Unit
A secure forensic environment which focuses on providing consultation and specialized assessments regarding fitness to stand trial, criminal responsibility, and sentencing to the justice system.
Forensic Treatment Unit
A secure setting providing longer-term integrated treatment, rehabilitation and support to clients on Ontario Review Board (ORB) dispositions. Patient privileges are introduced gradually depending on each patient's illness status, security needs/risk and tolerance for less structure.
Forensic Rehabilitation Readiness
A locked general forensic unit with a lower level of security that reflects improved clinical status of the patients and their changing ORB dispositions. Intensive engagement and rehabilitation takes place on this unit with a focus on developing personal goals and initial steps toward community re-integration.
Forensic Rehabilitation Unit
An open, unlocked general forensic unit with a low level of security that reflects further clinical improvement and movement through the rehabilitation process. More intensive rehabilitation takes place with a focus on preparation for return to the community.
Forensic Outreach Program
The forensic outreach team plays a critical role in the safe and successful transition of forensic patients back into the community. Intensive in-vivo assessment and rehabilitation and ongoing risk assessment and management are central to the team's work. The team works closely with other community-based agencies across our catchment area to link patients with the appropriate on-going supports (e.g. ACT teams, residential treatment, group homes, etc.).
Once discharged to the community, forensic patients remain on ORB dispositions for varying amounts of time. The outreach team provides ongoing forensic monitoring and risk assessment and uses its forensic knowledge and expertise to assist the ORB in determining a client's suitability for Absolute Discharge from the forensic system.
Mental Health Care Facilities
Currently, Southwest Centre for Forensic Mental Health Care patients receive care in one of two buildings: RMHC London, built in the mid-1960s, or Southwest Centre for Forensic Mental Health Care in St. Thomas.
Two new facilities, one in London and the other in Elgin County, are now under construction and are being built using the latest research to create a healing environment and ensure friendly, comfortable indoor and outdoor spaces for patients, staff and visitors.
The site in Elgin County will be an 89-bed forensic facility that will provide specialized inpatient and outpatient services, including assessment, treatment, outreach and support services to individuals with a mental illness who have come into contact with the criminal justice system.
Both new hospitals will better support a recovery model of care for patients by providing a neighborhood and community setting which will allow for individual growth and skill development and enable patients to return to community living more successfully.
Virtual tour of St. Joseph's two new mental health care facilities.