Fred Dick

PhD Dartmouth Medical School
PDF Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Office: A4-136 Victoria Research Laboratory, London Regional Cancer Program, 790 Commissioners Road East, London, ON N6A 4L6
Phone: (519) 685-8500 ext. 53027
Visit: Lab website
Research Activities:
Keywords: cancer, genome instability, epigenetic, human genetics, functional genomics, cancer dormancy
Description of Research Activities:
Dr. Dick’s laboratory seeks to understand mechanisms of cancer development and metastasis. In particular, mutational events that cause genome instability, epigenetic change and create resistance to therapeutics. At a molecular level, we are particularly interested in inflammatory signals created by epigenetic alterations and the signaling pathways that support cancer dormancy.
Research Opportunities:
We are always looking for new graduate students that share our passion for this research.