Fred Dick



PhD Dartmouth Medical School
PDF Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School

Office: A4-136 Victoria Research Laboratory, London Regional Cancer Program, 790 Commissioners Road East, London, ON N6A 4L6
Phone: (519) 685-8500 ext. 53027
Visit: Lab website

Research Activities:

Keywords: cancer, genome instability, epigenetic, human genetics, functional genomics, cancer dormancy

Description of Research Activities:

Dr. Dick’s laboratory seeks to understand mechanisms of cancer development and metastasis. In particular, mutational events that cause genome instability, epigenetic change and create resistance to therapeutics. At a molecular level, we are particularly interested in inflammatory signals created by epigenetic alterations and the signaling pathways that support cancer dormancy.

Research Opportunities

We are always looking for new graduate students that share our passion for this research.