
Student in lab

The Department of Pathology and Laboratoy Medicine offers Undergraduate Pathology courses and training to medical students, dental students, nursing students, and undergraduate students in the basic medical sciences, science and health sciences. Modules leading to an honours specialization in Pathology and Toxicology or Major in Pathology are offered through the BMSc program.

Contact Us:

Special Permissions / Pre-Requisites: All requests for special permission / waiving of pre-requisities for any of the pathology courses should be sent directly to Dr. Patti Kiser (pkiser@uwo.ca). In your request, please mention your program, what your request is and why you are making the special request. You should also send your Western Student number and an unofficial copy of your transcript.

Cheryl Campbell
Pathology BMSc Undergraduate Studies
Dental Sciences Building, Room 4044
t. 519.661.2111 x86389
e. ccampbel@uwo.ca

Patti Kiser
Pathology BMSc Undergraduate Studies
Dental Sciences Building, Room 4039
t. 519.661.2111 x85351
e. pkiser@uwo.ca