2024 Alumni of Distinction Awards


With pride, we announce the 2024 Alumni of Distinction Award recipients, including Dr. Rebekah Jacques and Dr. Phaedra Henley. Dr. Jacques and Dr. Henley, along with all of the award winners, have distinguished themselves as role models both for our alumni and our current students and learners.

Dr. Rebekah Jacques, Resident Alumna - Pathology’14

Dr. Steven Blizzard Trailblazer Award

Dr. Rebekah Jacques’s early work in death investigation bioethics garnered attention for its clarity and originality, earning her awards at the University of Toronto and recognition at significant bioethics conferences. This groundbreaking work, now the focus of a new textbook and a Pathology Ethics Website, has drawn international interest. Concurrently, she remains engaged locally, teaching Ethics at Schulich Medicine & Dentistry, acting as the inaugural Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Ambassador for the Pathology and Laboratory Medicine group and leads the Anti-Racism Curriculum Review Committee for Schulich Medicine.

Passionate about advocating for foster care children, Dr. Jacques’ involvement with the Child Welfare Political Action Committee supports hundreds of former youth nationwide and has been instrumental in changing laws to improve the outcomes of children in care. As a respected leader in Pathology, Dr. Jacques champions EDI in education, advocacy and humanitarian initiatives, spearheading projects, such as the Undergraduate Medical Education Equity Diversity Inclusion and Decolonization Task Force and fostering partnerships with Indigenous communities for clinical care and education and Residential Schools. Her efforts in forensic pathology and elder abuse guidelines further demonstrate her commitment to improving welfare through her expertise.

Phaedra Henley, BMSc’07, PhD’14 (Pathology and Laboratory Medicine)

Young Alumni – Basic Science

Phaedra Henley is a leading figure in Global Health and One Health, with a strong research, practice, and academic administration background. For the past nine years, she has been pivotal in developing and implementing global health graduate programs in Canada and Rwanda. Notably, she is currently serving at the University for Global Health Equity in Rwanda as the inaugural Chair of the Center for One Health and has secured substantial funding for research and training initiatives.

Phaedra is driven by a transdisciplinary, evidence-based approach to training, research, and practice, emphasizing community involvement and placing importance on holistic health solutions. Her impactful leadership has led to strategic partnerships with esteemed institutions and international recognition for her contributions to academic excellence and global health initiatives.

Congratulations Rebekah and Phaedra!

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