Alphabetical Listing
Researchers have been arranged alphabetically below. Alternatively, you can also view lists of our Faculty organized by Research Themes.
Faculty noted by an * have Associate membership in our program and are eligible to co-supervise graduate students in Neuroscience.
- Allison, David * - Spinal Cord Injury, Psychophysiology, Chronic Inflammation, Depression, Pain
- Allman, Brian - Multisensory processing; Cortical Plasticity following hearing loss; Tinnitus
- Anderson, Michael * - Philosophy of Neuroscience; Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience; Ecological Psychology / Embodied Cognition
- Ansari, Daniel - Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience of Number Processing
- Bai, Donglin - Functional Study of Gap Junction Channels
- Baron, Corey - Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Bartha, Robert - Metabolic imaging of the brain, neurodegenerative disease
- Batterink, Laura - Language acquisition, Learning, Sleep and memory, Implicit processes
- Berube, Nathalie - Brain Development, Chromatin, Epigenetics
- Branch, Carrie - Animal cognition, communication and mate choice
- Brown, Arthur - Neural development and axonal guidance
- Brunton, Laura -
- Burhan, Amer *
- Bussey, Timothy - Cognition in healthy brains and in neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disease; improving preclinical to clinical translation
- Butler, Blake - Structural and functional correlates of normal and abnormal sensory development
- Cacciotti, Chantel * - Paediatric Brain Tumors, Cancer survivorship and therapies
- Cardy, Janis - Language development and disorders, auditory processing, autism
- Corneil, Brian - Neural circuits underlying visually-guided behaviours; brain stimulation
- Cregan, Sean - Signaling pathways regulating neuronal survival and cell death
- Culham, Jody - Perception and action in reality and virtual reality
- Cumming, Robert - Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, neurometabolism, and redox signaling
- Daley, Mark - Computational and Mathematical Modelling
- Dash, Deepa*
- De Ribaupierre, Sandrine - Brain Development and fMRI along the lifespan
- Debicki, Derek *
- Dekaban, Gregory - Anti-inflammatory and Gene Therapy for Spinal Cord Injury
- Diedrichsen, Jorn - Computational Neuroscience, Moto Control and Learning, Neuroimaging
- Duennwald, Martin - Neurodegenerative diseases (Huntington's, ALS, Parkinson's); Aging; Cellular protein quality control
- Duerden, Emma - Brain development and functional outcomes in infants and children with neurodevelopmental disorders
- Eagleson, Roy - Computational Modeling of Cognition, Action, and Perception in AR/VR, constrained by Neuroimaging data. Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering. Philosophy of Mind
- Everling, Stefan - Neural circuits underlying cognitive control
- Finger, Elizabeth - Dementia, Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders, Psychopathology
- Frewen, Paul - Self-referential processing; social cognition; mood and anxiety disorders
- Ganesan, Rishi (Full Name: Lalgudi Ganesan, Saptharishi) - Acquired brain injury, Critical illness associated brain dysfunction, Brain states in critical illness, Altered states of awareness and consciousness, ICU Delirium, Non-convulsive seizures, Pathological brain states, Neuroprognostication, Improving long-term neurocognitive outcomes in critically ill patients
- Ganjavi, Hooman * - Movement disorders, cognition, biomarkers, neuroimaging, dopamine
- Gofton, Teneille * - Neurological disorders
- Goodale, Melvyn - Neural Substrates of Visually Guided Movements
- Gustison, Morgan - Animal social behaviour and cognition
- Grahn, Jessica - Cognitive Neuroscience of Music
- Gribble, Paul - Human sensory-motor control; motor learning; computational models
- Hampson, Elizabeth - Neural and Hormonal Mechanisms in Human Cognition
- Han, Victor - Growth Factors in Neural Growth and Differentiation
- Heath, Matthew - The neural mechanisms regulating eye and limb movements
- Hebb, Matthew - Neuro-Oncology and movement disorders
- Inoue, Wataru - Synaptic plasticity in stress response and homeostasis regulation
- Joanisse, Marc - Computational and developmental cognitive neuroscience of reading and language
- Jog, Mandar - Clinical trials and clinical research on Parkinson disease
- Johnsrude, Ingrid - Cognitive neuroscience, speech and hearing, imaging in epilepsy
- Johnston, Kevin - Neural substrates of visual behaviour
- Kavaliers, Martin - Neuropeptides, Animal Behaviour and Environmental Factors
- Khan, Ali - Epilepsy, Image processing and analysis, Image-guided surgery, Diffusion MRI
- Khokhar, Jibran - Addiction, Schizophrenia, Adolescent Substance Use, Co-occurring mental illness and addiction, pre-clinical MR imaging
- Klein, Robyn - Neuroimmune mechanisms of post-viral memory impairment
- Köhler, Stefan - Human memory; cognitive neuroscience; human brain mapping
- Lanius, Ruth - Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Lau, Jonathan * - Neuroimaging, deep brain stimulation, epilepsy, functional neurosurgery, neuromodulation, stereotactic surgery, stimulation mapping
- Laviolette, Steven - The neurobiology of emotional learning and memory in drug addiction, schizophrenia and autism
- Lodhi, Rohit *
- Loh, Eldon - Chronic Pain, Interventional Pain Management, SCI Rehabilitation, Brain Injury Rehabilitation
- Lu, Kun Ping - Early disease mechanisms, diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, stroke/vascular dementia and traumatic brain injury/Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
- Lu, Wei-Yang - Systemic Inflammation and Chronic Neurodegeneration
- MacDonald, Penny - Movement disorders, cognition, biomarkers, neuroimaging, dopamine
- MacDougall-Shackleton, Scott - Integrative animal behaviour; seasonal changes in the brain
- Macpherson, Ewan - Spatial and Prosthetic Hearing
- Martin, Ruth - Brain Mechanisms in Swallowing
- Martinez-Trujillo, Julio - Physiological mechanisms of higher cognitive functions in the healthy brain and during mental disease
- McRae, Ken - Language Comprehension in the Mind and Brain
- Meakin, Susan - Receptor tyrosine kinases in regulation of the nervous system
- Mehta, Swati * - Neurorehabilitation (chronic pain, rehabilitation, spinal cord injury, stroke, and brain injury; mood and anxiety disorders; ehealth interventions.
- Menon, Ravi - Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Brain
- Minda, John Paul - Seek to understand how people learn about categories and concepts, what cognitive and neural systems play a role in category learning, and how conceptual structure influences thinking and decision making
- Mitchell, Derek - Cognitive neuroscience of emotional dysregulation and control
- Moehring, Amanda - Genetic and neural basis of preference behaviour
- Mohsenzadeh, Yalda - Computational cognitive neuroscience of human perception and memory
- Morrow, Sarah * - Cognition, multiple sclerosis corticosteroids, MS relapses
- Morton, J. Bruce - The Development of Cognitive Control and Frontal Cortex Functioning
- Muller, Lyle - Computational neuroscience and signal analysis for sensory processing and memory
- Mur, Marieke - Neural and computational mechanisms of visual cognition
- Nagamatsu, Lindsay - Effects of exercise on functional and structural neural plasticity
- Nazarov, Anthony * - Military and Veteran mental health, moral injury, social cognition, occupational trauma
- Nouri, Maryam * - Autoimmune encephalitis, Genetic mediated epilepsy, Advanced neuro imaging in epilepsy
- Ossenkopp, Peter - Neural Mechanisms of Behavioural Regulatory Processes
- Owen, Adrian - Cognitive Neuroscience, Imaging and Consciousness
- Pasternak, Stephen - Cognitive neurology
- Pellegrino, Giovanni - Multimodal neuroimaging, Neurophysiology, Non-invasive brain stimulation, Epilepsy
- Peters, Sue - Neurorehabilitation
- Prado, Marco - Chemical Communication, Prion Diseases
- Prado, Vania - The cholinergic system
- Pruszynski, Andrew - Neural mechanisms of sensory perception and motor control
- Purcell, David - physiological & perceptual measures of auditory function; auditory feedback in speech maintenance
- Rajakumar, Nagalingam - Dopamine neurotransmission in Basal Ganglia Disorders
- Ramachandran, Rithwik - Molecular pharmacology of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), and Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) ion channels
- Richardson, Don * - Military and Veteran mental health, posttraumatic stress disorder, occupational trauma, treatment outcomes
- Ronald, John - Molecular imaging, cell tracking, reporter genes, bioluminescence imaging, magnetic resonance imaging
- Rushlow, Walter - Signalling mechanisms schizophrenia and antipsychotics
- Rylett, R. Jane - Mechanisms Regulating Cholinergic Neurotransmission
- Saksida, Lisa - Cognition in healthy brains and in neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disease; improving preclinical to clinical translation
- Schabrun, Siobhan - Pain, Cortical plasticity, Non-invasive brain stimulation, Neurological and movement disorders, Rehabilitation
- Schmid, Susanne - Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Behaviour and Learning
- Schmitz, Taylor - Neural and Biochemical Bases of Attention, Alzheimer's Disease, Cholinergic System, Neuroimaging, Biomarkers
- Seminowicz, David - Pain, Cognition, neuroimaging, fMRI, EEG
- Shaw, Gary - Structure and Mechanisms of Proteins in Neurodegeneration
- Shaw, Saurabh*
- Shoemaker, Kevin - Physiology of Exercise and Health
- Simon, Anne - Genetic basis of social interactions; study of candidate genes for neurodevelopmental disorders in Drosophila melanogaster
- Slessarev, Marat - Brain function in critical care with focus on ICU sedation, organ donation and transplantation, and acute kidney injury
- St Lawrence, Keith - Developing functional imaging technologies, including biomedical optics and hybrid PET/MRI, to quantify cerebral hemodynamics and metabolism
- Steven, David * - Surgical treatment of epilepsy
- Stevenson, Ryan - Multisensory Integration, Autism, Sensory Perception, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
- Strong, Michael - Motor Neuron Disease, Neurofilament Metabolism, AL Neurotoxicity
- Suller Marti, Ana - Neuromodulation, including VNS, DBS; Cortical Stimulation; Intracranial Recordings, including SEEG; Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP); Transition in Epilepsy
- Teasell, Robert - Evidence-based practice in Neurorehabilitation
- Unger, Janelle * - Neurorehabilitation
- Wang, Boyu
- Whitehead, Shawn - Neurodegenerative disease