
Invited Speakers 

Virtual Events Only: Neuroscience Graduate Program faculty and students will automatically be registered for these events. Anyone outside of the program wishing to register may do so by visiting our registration page. 

Date Name Seminar Title

November 21, 2023


Dr. Laura Corbit

Associate Professor, Department of Psychology

University of Toronto


"Diet-induced changes to striatal circuitry and implications for behavioural control"

January 23, 2024


Dr. Jonathan Peelle

Associate Professor, Center for Cognitive and Brain Health, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, and Department of Psychology

Northeastern University 

"Cognitive consequences of acoustic challenge in communication"

February 6, 2024

Dr. Stacey Rizzo

Associate Professor of Neurobiology
Department of Medicine - Aging Institute

University of Pittsburgh

"Precision medicine approaches for preclinical translational studies of Alzheimer’s disease: from mice to marmosets"

March 19, 2024



 Dr. Frank M. Longo

George and Lucy Becker Professor and Chair
Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences

Stanford University School of Medicine

 "Creating an Alzheimer’s Disease Therapy – from mechanism elucidation to cells to mice and to human trials"

April 9, 2024


Treva Glazebrook Lecturer 


Dr. Megan Peters

Associate Professor, Department of Cognitive Sciences

University of California, Irvine


"The marriage of theory and practice in research on metacognition and consciousness"

April 30, 2024

Dr. Christopher Pack

Professor, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery

McGill University

"Neuronal effects of transcranial brain stimulation"

May 14, 2024


Dr. Boris Bernhardt

Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery

Canada Research Chair for Cognitive Neuroinformatics

McGill University

"Multiscale studies of human cognitive architectures"