Dr. Ian Ross
Associate Professor – Department of Medical Imaging
Site Program Director – London Health Sciences Centre, Victoria Hospital
Originally from Nova Scotia, Dr. Ian Ross completed his undergraduate degree (BSc) in Biology at McGill University before enrolling in the MD program at Queen’s University, where he graduated in 1999. Following medical school, Dr. Ross successfully matched with the Radiology program at his alma mater, completing his training in June 2004. Dr. Ross completed a locum at St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital and did a Body/Musculoskeletal fellowship at Western before becoming an Assistant Professor in 2005; he was subsequently promoted to Associate Professor in 2012.
During his time with the Department of Medical Imaging at Western University, Dr. Ross has held a number of leadership roles, including: Interim Ultrasound Residency Rotation Supervisor, Postgraduate Site Supervisor at University Hospital, Postgraduate Site Supervisor at Victoria Hospital, City-wide Co-Chief of Radiology and Radiology Residency Program Director.
Dr. Ross was the Radiology Residency Program Director from July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2020. Dr. Ross worked tirelessly to modernize the training program. Not only did the 2013/14 academic year see the launch of the Resident iPad Program, but also the creation of the Program's Facebook* and Twitter* accounts that keep followers up-to-date on program news in real time. In addition to this, the Radiology Residency Program launched its "Case of the Week" program using Google Docs, whereby trainees submit interesting cases in a standardized format, and fellow residents and staff guess the diagnosis based on the images and history provided. Under his leadership, the Radiology Residency Program at Western University has become a leader in incorporating the newest technologies into Residency education.
Dr. Ross’s research interests include: Computer Aided Cardiac Imaging Analysis, Computer Aided Cardiac Disease Diagnosis and Surgery Framework on PACS and Image-registration of Cardiac CT to Patient and Cardiac Echo Images.