5th Year Class Officer Nomination

Meds Class of 2024 5th Year Class Officer Nomination:   Students selected as a 5 Year Class Officers are responsible for organizing a 5-year class reunion and keeping classmates informed on the status of colleagues.

Nomination Rules:

  • Nominations must be received by 11:59 on March 31st 2024. 
  • Self- nominations are NOT permitted
  • More than one person will hold this honour however, each class member is permitted to nominate only one person for the role of 5 Year Class Officer.  
  • Windsor and London representation will be sought out for this role.
  • Nominees are free to withdraw their names if they do not want to be considered.

Selection Rules:

  •  Each graduating class member is permitted to vote for one person for the role of 5 Year Class Officer and voting is anonymous  
  • Polling results will be reviewed by election scrutineers, any discrepancy in voting or abnormalities in the nomination process may result in a re-run of polling.
  • The scrutineers for this process will be chaired by the Hippocratic Council President, and include the Past- President, VP-Windsor, VP- Communications and Honorary President.
  • Concerns about the process may be brought to the scrutineers any time before the results are announced publicly.  The scrutineers will review all complaints and decide by consensus if the fairness of the election has been significantly impinged and intervention is required.  Intervention may include, but is not limited to, disqualification of nominees, invalidation of the results and/or restarting the process. 
  • There will be predefined rules for run-off elections
    • If more than four people are nominated for the position, there will be a run-off election between the two candidates with the most votes at closing of the first polling period.
    • If leading two candidates are within < 5 votes there will be a run-off.
    • The results of run-off polling are final unless the nominees are in a dead tie.