Applying to the MD/PhD Program

Applications are welcomed from students from many different backgrounds, including the principal science disciplines (e.g. chemistry or biology); the disciplines of medical sciences (e.g. pharmacology, biochemistry and microbiology); or non-medical disciplines such as kinesiology, economics, computer science or engineering. Candidates with previous experience in research, perhaps through summer research training, should detail that experience in their application.

A student wishing to get acceptance into the program needs to satisfy the admission requirements for both the MD program and the graduate program in their fields of study.

Medical Admission Requirements

Graduate Program Admission Requirements

Applicants must have must have either completed or be in their final year of a four-year undergraduate degree at a recognized university. 

The match-up of student with supervisor and project is tailored to each student. Preliminary explorations can be undertaken by candidates with prospective supervisors, and the MD/PhD committee can help to make the final decision. The recommendation for acceptance to the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies is the responsibility of that committee.

 Application deadline is October 1st.