Schulich school of Medicine and Dentistry logo Macromolecular Crystallography Facility


The Macromolecular Crystallography Facility has the materials necessary to find out if there is a chemical condition that will produce diffraction-quality crystals for your protein sample. From initial crystal hits, we can optimize and grow crystals to more practical sizes. We also have the equipment necessary for the collection of diffraction pattern data from single crystals of proteins and protein complexes.


We have a MicroMax-007 HF high-intensity, microfocus rotating anode x-ray generator.   This system comes equipped with a 4-circle ¼ chi goniometer, mirrors, a Saturn 994+ CCD detector, crystal cooling X-stream system, a microscope and a computer to control the detector and store data.

Once you have completed the safety training and are a registered user, you may book time on the X-ray equipment.


New in December of 2020, we have just installed:

Crystallization Screens

All of our current crystallization screens are made by Qiagen, and these include:


To follow the progress of our crystal trays, we have 3 Leika stereomicroscopes:

One of the room temperature microscopes is equipped with a polarizer and camera.