
[May 2021] New research paper: Courtney Voss, Sally Esmail, et al. Epitope-specific antibody responses differentiate COVID-19 outcome and variants of concern
[May 2021] New research paper: Sally Esmail, et al. Rapid and accurate agglutination-based testing for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies
[January 2021] Western News article: Rapid COVID-19 antibody test can check immune response
[July 2020] New research paper: Kyle Biggar et al. Proteome-wide Prediction of Lysine Methylation Leads to Identification of H2BK43 Methylation and Outlines the Potential Methyllysine Proteome.
[July 2020] New research paper: Liya Ming, et al. MMS2plot: An R Package for Visualizing Multiple MS/MS Spectra for Groups of Modified and Non-Modified Peptides.
[June 2020] Congratulations, Owen and Jenny, on their successful PhD transfer!
[May 2020] Dr. Li is funded by the Ontario COVID-19 Rapid Research Fund.
[February 2020] Sally Esmail is back to the lab as an NSERC PDF.
[December 2019] New research paper: Rakesh Joshi, et al. DLC1 SAM domain-binding peptides inhibit cancer cell growth and migration by inactivating RhoA
[December 2019] Shanshan Zhong is developing a new drug to treat breast cancer
[September 2019] Our PhD students Owen Hovey and Shanshan (Jenny) Zhong receive the 2019-20 Breast Cancer Research Trainee Scholarships.
[May 2019] Owen Hovey Studies The Migration Of Breast Cancer Cells
[February 2019] New research paper: Ran Wei, Xuguang Liu, et al. NUMB regulates the endocytosis and activity of the anaplastic lymphoma kinase in an isoform-specific manner
[December 2018] Lab skiing at Boler Mountain
[November 2018] New research paper: Huadong Liu, et al. Surface loops in a single SH2 domain are capable of encoding the spectrum of specificity of the SH2 family.
[November 2018] New research paper: Rui Wang, Mei Huang, et al. Affinity Purification of Methyllysine Proteome by Site-Specific Covalent Conjugation.
[October 2018] New research paper: Tomonori Kaneko, et al. Identification and characterization of a large family of superbinding bacterial SH2 domains.
[September 2018] New research paper: Rui Wang, et al. Reverse Binding Mode of Phosphotyrosine Peptides with SH2 Protein.
[September 2018] Owen Hovey received the Translational Breast Cancer Research Studentship.
[September 2018] Jenny (Shanshan) Zhong and Owen Hovey joined the lab.
[May 2018] Dr. Shawn Li renewed as Canada Research Chair
[December 2017] New research paper: Ran Wei, et al. Interactome mapping uncovers a general role for Numb in protein kinase regulation.
[September 2016] Shawn and Tomo reveive the Worldiscoveries Annual Vanguard Awards.
[September 2016] New research paper: Yangyang Bian, Lei Li, et al. Ultra-deep tyrosine phosphoproteomics enabled by a phosphotyrosine superbinder.
[September 2016] Media Relations: New medical technology from Western drives Precision Proteomics launch.
[April 2016] Shawn receives Dean’s Awards of Excellence for Faculty. [Link to picture ]
[March 2016] Shawn gave a lecture to students of the London International Academy on why science and research matter.
[January 2016] Xuguang Liu explains his research, "Studying why some breast cancer patients are Herceptin-resistant".
[October 2015] Xuguang Liu receives Translational Breast Cancer Research Studentships, 2015-2016.
[July 2015] New research paper: Xuan Cao et al. A phosphorylation switch controls the spatiotemporal activation of Rho GTPases in directional cell migration.
[June 2015] "Blocking the cancer-related signal in HER2 breast cancer", an introduction to Xuguang Liu's research project, is posted on the Breast Cancer Society of Canada website.
[May 2015] "Studying Numb: a protein known to suppress breast cancer", an introductory article written by Ran Wei, is posted on the Breast Cancer Society of Canada website.
[April 2015] New research paper: Huadong Liu et al. A comprehensive immunoreceptor phosphotyrosine-based signaling network revealed by reciprocal protein-peptide array screening
[April 2015] "Uncontrollable growth of cancer cells:Self-sufficiency in growth signals", an introductory article written by Kyle Biggar, is published on the Londoner.
[January 2015] Western News article, "Advancing the science of protein modifications"
[December 2014] Our lab's graduate students Rena and Xuguang become parents.
[November 2014] Inspired by discovery: our postdoctoral fellow Kyle Biggar is featured in the Schulich eNewsletter
[August 2014] Rena and Xuguang receive Translational Breast Cancer Research Studentships, 2014-2015.
[May 2014] Dr. Shawn Li is featured in the Profiles of Excellence video series at Western
[April 2014] Wayne Wu was selected for the Biochemistry Undergraduate Summer Research Program (BUSRP).
[January 2014] New paper: Sandiford, et al. Dual oxidase maturation factor 1 (DUOXA1) overexpression increases reactive oxygen species production and inhibits murine muscle satellite cell differentiation.
[December 2013] Our research is selected as one of "Top Canadian Cancer Society funded research stories of 2013"
[October 2013] An interview to Dr. Shawn Li by Canadian Cancer Society: "Research into a hard-to-treat breast cancer could lead to better treatment"
[May 2013] We are on CTV News: "Two promising studies on breast cancer at Western", and on Metro News: "Western U researcher discovers new protein that could help chemotherapy fight breast cancer"
[May 2013] Video interview to Dr. Shawn Li by Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry: "Research identifies a way to make cancer cells more responsive to chemotherapy"
[May 2013] New research paper: Liu et al. A method for systematic mapping of protein lysine methylation identifies functions for HP1β in DNA damage response.
[May 2013] New research paper: Dhami et al. Dynamic methylation of Numb by Set8 regulates its binding to p53 and apoptosis.