Faculty / Staff Search


Department / Unit Search

Schulich school of Medicine and Dentistry logo Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs at Schulich Medicine & Dentistry

Retiring with Strong Minds

Retiring With Strong Minds (RWSM) is a sub-committee within SBSMSM and our goal is to promote and increase knowledge exchange between students and older adults through presentations and interactions between Western University graduate students and patrons at retirement homes in London. We are looking for students from all disciplines, at various stages in their research programs, who are eager to get involved in the community while gaining valuable presentation experience.

 Looking for volunteers!

We are currently looking to roster more graduate and professional students from ALL faculties to present a lay summary of their research at Windermere on the Mount - located right next to Western! The short presentations are approximately 10-15 minutes long and we co-ordinate 3-4 students to speak on a presentation day (you won't be alone!)

The follow are presentation dates (1:30 - 2:30 p.m.) for 2016:

If you are interested in participating, please complete our online form at: http://goo.gl/forms/A66xqZBeux with your area of research, contact information and availability. Submitting this form does not require any firm time commitment; we will collate your listed availabilities and contact you based on availability of presentation slots. If you confirm a presentation commitment after we contact you, additional details about preparing for your session will be sent to you.

This will be a great way to gain experience presenting your work to a captive audience!
If you have any questions, please contact us at retiringwithstrongminds@gmail.com

Kara Ruicci & Alex Levit
Co-Chairs 2015-2016
Retiring with Strong Minds Sub-Committee