The Lucille & Norton Wolf Health Research Lecture Series

The keynote lecture is presented as part of The Lucille & Norton Wolf Health Research Lecture Series at London Health Research Day.

The Series has been established thanks to the generosity of Bernard & Norton Wolf Family Foundation.

About The Bernard & Norton Wolf Family Foundation

In 1981, Bernard Wolf’s accountant informed Norton that his uncle had made charitable donations exceeding his gross income. While admiring his uncle for his generosity, Norton thought it would be wise to be more disciplined about the family’s philanthropy; therefore, Norton decided to form the Bernard & Norton Wolf Family Foundation to make informed decisions on charitable giving.

Throughout the years the Foundation has provided funds supporting areas of health, education and the arts in London, Ontario and the surrounding area.

There are now four generations of the family involved with the Foundation. As founders, Norton and Lucille Wolf are excited that the concept of giving has become a family legacy.

London Health Research Day is presented in partnership by Lawson Health Research Institute and the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry.