Fellows as Mentors

Photograph of group in London

Emerging from the 2017-18 GMFP was the realization that our Fellows had become experts by experience – developing cross-cultural competencies (specialized expertise) that formed from what “they, themselves, [had] encountered… prior to, during or following their [higher education] encounter… and, as such, their views need to be canvassed, really listened to, and used to inform” future directions of programming[1]. From this realization, the Fellows as Mentors (FAM) initiative was born.

Through the FAM initiative, past GMFP Fellows are engaged as Fellow Mentors for new GMFP cohorts. This model not only leverages the strengths of peer-menoring, but also empowers Fellow Mentors to be co-creators of the mentorship initiative and fellowship program.

This model has led to the integration and elevation of cross-cultural learnings from a transdisciplinary and transnational perspective and has further created a supportive, inspiring and insightful environment for incoming cohorts of Fellows.

Roles & Responsibilities of Fellow Mentors

  • Co-design/-deliver curriculum alongside faculty, staff and community (GMFP vision, learning outcomes, activities and assessments, curriculum materials)
  • Provide mentorship and coaching to teams
  • Inspire and mobilize teams to support building a community of young leaders


[1] Murray, N. & Klinger, C. M. (2013). Students as Experts: Reflections of the Student Voice. In: Murray, N. & Klinger, C.M. (eds) Aspirations, access and attainment: International perspectives on widening participation and an agenda for change. Routledge.