What our residents are researching
PGY5 Residents
Leanne Delaney
"Thiamine Screening and Treatment for Targeted Clinical Conditions"
Supervisors: GIM faculty Dr. Erin Spicer and Dr. Mark Goldszmidt
"Addressing Perioperative Hyperglycemia in the General Surgery Population"
Supervisors: GIM faculty Dr. Jaclyn Ernst and Dr. Terry Zwiep
"Optimizing Early Palliative Care Referrals for CTU Patients"
Supervisors: Dr. Kyra Harris-Schulz, Dr. Kathleen Milne, and GIM faculty Dr. Erin Spicer and Dr. Mark Goldszmidt
Emilie Deschner
"Inpatient Management of Alcohol Use Disorder for Patients Admitted to Acute Medicine"
Supervisors: GIM faculty Dr. Andrew Appleton
Stephanie Hinton
"Nursing-to-Team, Team-to-Nursing Clinical Communication and Collaboration"
Supervisors: GIM faculty Dr. Erin Spicer and Dr. Mark Goldszmidt
Aaron Leung
"Improving the Rates of Point-of-Care-Ultrasound Video Archival Prior to the Performance of Paracentesis and Thoracentesis by Internal Medicine Residents"
Supervisors: GIM faculy Dr. Michael Sattin
Robert Sparrow
"Reconceptualizing the Drivers of Repeat Hospital Visits after Internal Medicine Consultation in the Emergency Department: The Important of Rational Sub-grouping"
Supervisors: GIM faculty Dr. Erin Spicer and Dr. Mark Goldszmidt
PGY4 Residents
Brianna Barsanti-Innes
Title pending...
Supervisor: GIM faculy Dr. Kathy Myers
Aninditee Das
"Otpimizing Discharge of Heart Failure Patients from the CTU"
Supervisor: GIM faculty Dr. Karen Geukers
Kelly MacIsaac
"GIM Well-being Curriculum"
Supervisors: GIM faculty Dr. Andrew Appleton and Dr. Emily Jones
Laura Sawka
"Effect of Diabetic Control on Perioperative Elective Total Knee and Total Hip Arthroplasty Surgical Site Infections: A Case-Control Study"
Supervisors: GIM faculty Dr. Jackie Ernst and Dr. Kathy Myers
Mishaal Umar
"CTU to Primary Care Bridging"
Supervisors: GIM faculy Dr. Erin Spicer, Dr. Mark Goldszmidt and Dr. Kathy Myers