
  • Opioid Crisis

    November 07, 2019
    The headlines point to a grim prognosis. In London, five deaths attributed to opioid overdose in one week. Canada wide, more than 10,000 people have lost their lives to opioids in the past three years. This has become public health crisis.

  • The Reach of Trauma – Doctors Perspective

    June 09, 2016
    Trauma in children and teenagers can be overwhelming. Not only is it devastating to the young patient who was in a trauma such as a car crash but it is also challenging to be his or her parent, sibling, friend or part of the community. It is also overwhelming for the many trauma health care providers including paramedics, nurses, physiotherapists and physicians. As a resident physician in General Surgery, I have the privilege to be involved in Trauma in London and surrounding area for people of all ages, from newborns to those in the later stages of life.

  • LHSC announces Canadian surgical first to treat obstructive defecation syndrome

    April 14, 2016
    Colorectal surgeon Dr. Nawar Alkhamesi and his team were able to robotically insert a mesh into the empty space so that there is no longer room for the rectum to prolapse (slip forward or down). Using this much less invasive robotic approach, patients can expect just one overnight stay in hospital.

  • 'It's alarming': Study finds increased number of children with gallstones

    March 15, 2016
    A recent Canadian study is hoping to change the way doctors think about gallstones - a condition historically associated with adults - after finding a "significant rise" in the number of children with the condition.

  • Ontario Graduate Scholarship

    March 15, 2016
    Dr. Shane Smith has been selected as one of this year's recipients of an Ontario Graduate Scholarship.

  • Jessica Coffey

    March 04, 2016
    Recipient of International Travel Award

  • Dr. Hernandez-Alejandro Nominated for President’s Award for Innovation

    December 17, 2015
    Dr. Hernandez-Alejandro was nominated for bringing a surgical technique known as ALPPS to London for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer to the liver.

  • Rebuilding Postgraduate Medical ­Education Programmes in Afghanistan

    December 15, 2015
    Conflict over the last three decades has resulted in profound disruption of the medical system in Afghanistan. The NATO Training Mission–Afghanistan (NTM-A) installed a graduate medical education (GME) advisory team with the mandate to help the Afghan faculty reconstruct modern teaching programs for core specialties including programs for assistant personnel.

  • Dr. Shane Smith – A different kind of service

    September 01, 2015
    Dr. Shane Smith is just like his fellow residents, with one exception — he’s been in the Canadian Armed Forces for 17 years. Currently a second-year resident in general surgery, Dr. Smith knew training at Schulich Medicine & Dentistry would provide him with the skills he needs to give his patients the best possible care the next time he deploys.

  • Dr. William Wall honored at the International Liver Transplant Society

    August 05, 2015
    Dr William Wall honored at the International Liver Transplant Society.

  • Dr. Patrick Colquhoun named Chair/Chief Division of Surgical Oncology

    July 28, 2015
    We ask you to join us in welcoming Dr. Colquhoun in his new role and in wishing him success in this very important leadership position within the London Regional Cancer Program and the Departments of Surgery and Oncology.

  • Dr. Mostafa El-Beheiry - Resident Spotlight: At the forefront of surgical education

    April 01, 2015
    For second-year resident Dr. Mostafa El-Beheiry, coming to Schulich Medicine & Dentistry made complete sense both academically and geographically. Dr. El-Beheiry was initially attracted to the School’s General Surgery program because of its distinguished surgical training and outstanding group of mentors, and as an avid traveler he gladly accepted the move to London.

  • Reducing Opoids After Surgery

    August 13, 2023
    With the recognition that physician prescribing plays a significant role in Canada’s opioid crisis, a team of researchers has developed a program called STOP Narcotics to dramatically reduce the amount of the painkillers patients are given following some common operations.

  • Dr. Patrick Colquhoun recipient of the LHSC Patient Safety Leader Award for his role as Surgical Quality Officer for LHSC.

    August 13, 2023
    This role oversees the surgical quality programs at UH, VH, Department of Pediatric Surgery Quality Program and the Trauma Quality Program. Dr. Colquhoun has been involved in the development of the Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Team for the Surgical Unit at London Health Sciences Center since March 2016.

  • Dr. Luke Hartford, 3rd year resident is the recipient of the LHSC Patient Safety Physician Award.

    August 13, 2023
    These awards have been established to recognize and celebrate individuals, leaders, physicians, and teams at LHSC that show a passion and commitment for improving patient safety. The selection committee was very impressed with his project on narcotic reduction strategies within general surgery and how the strategy is being adopted around the hospital and the province.

  • 2018 Best in Breast Care Conference

    August 13, 2023
    St. Joseph’s Health Care London is pleased to present this one-day conference event. The 2018 Best in Breast Care Conference featuring the latest developments in screening, diagnosis, treatment, reconstructive surgery, research, support, and survivorship.

  • New breast cancer surgery approach improves survivorship and leaves women looking and feeling whole

    August 13, 2023
    Surgical oncologist Dr. Muriel Brackstone, Medical Director of St. Joseph’s Breast Care Program, is co-founder of Canada’s first, hands-on oncoplastic surgery course. She is the keynote speaker at the Best in Breast Care Conference on Oct. 19.

  • Dr. Bill Wall

    August 13, 2023
    With an eye for fine detail, Dr. Bill Wall has practiced artistry both on canvas and in the operating room.

  • Dr. Ken Leslie - 2017 recipient, President's Award for Physician Leadership

    August 13, 2023
    Dr. Ken Leslie is a recipient of the 2017 President's Award for Physician Leadership.

  • Resident Spotlight: Dr. Jennifer Koichopolos

    August 13, 2023

  • Award of Excellence

    August 13, 2023
    Dr. Michael Ott receives the Schulich Excellence in Education Award for Graduate/Postgraduate Educator

  • 2017 President’s Award for Physician Leadership

    August 13, 2023
    Dr. Ken Leslie is the Chief of General Surgery. He has been at London Health Sciences Centre for 22 years.

  • Do Moderate Surgical Treatment Delays Influence Survival in Colon Cancer?

    August 13, 2023
    Drs. Wanis and Brackstone of the Division of General Surgery examine the effect of surgical treatment wait times on survival for patients with stage I to III colon cancer.

  • Dr. Tina Mele featured in the OMA's Spotlight on Health

    August 13, 2023
    As a general surgeon and critical care physician, Dr. Tina Mele has just completed a long, exhausting night of operating. Practising at London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) on what are sometimes 12- or 15-hour shifts, Dr. Mele is the first to admit that acute care surgery requires a huge time sacrifice.

  • Celebrating the life of Dr. David White

    August 13, 2023
    Dr. David White, PhD, FRCPath, (1946-2017) devoted his life to fundamental research in transplantation. First in Cambridge, UK, and then in London, Ontario, Dr. White made significant contributions to the development of immunosuppression (cyclosporine), cross-species xenotransplantation, and cell transplant delivery systems.

  • #ILookLikeASurgeon

    August 13, 2023
    Female surgeons and residents from across the city gathered in the OR’s at UH, VH and SJHC to add their voices to a global rallying for women surgeons around the world. We are very fortunate to have such a talented group of women serving the people of London and surrounding area. Congratulations ladies!

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