Rotating Residents
This citywide elective includes both ambulatory and inpatient components. The ambulatory portion will provide the resident with an excellent opportunity to assess and manage clinic patients with diabetes mellitus, thyroid problems, lipid and other endocrine disorders. The resident will work closely with the supervising consultants. The clinics each week include Diabetes, General Endocrine, Thyroid, Lipid and Metabolic Bone clinics. The resident will conduct the initial assessment (history and physical) on new patients and develop a preliminary plan of management for the patient's problems before reviewing with the consultant. The resident then dictates a letter to the referring physician.
The resident will attend the Division of Endocrinology educational half-day on Wednesday mornings and weekly noon rounds on Fridays.
The resident’s final assessment is completed by a consensus of the consultants and resident and reviewed with the Program Director. The learning objectives of this elective are to provide the resident with the opportunity to become more familiar with the investigation and management of common endocrine problems.
Some night or weekend call is expected. Please see call schedule.