Competence Committee Function

How does the Competence Committee function?

Agenda Development:

Trainees are selected for planned meeting by Chair and Program director in advance for:

  • Regularly timed review
  • Concern flagged on one or more completed assessment(s)
  • Completion of stage requirements and eligible for promotion
  • Requirement to determine readiness for RC exam
  • Significant delay/ acceleration in trainee’s progress or academic performance

Frequency: Every trainee must be discussed at least twice per year

Quorum: At least 50% attendance from CC member


  1. Primary Reviewer: 
    1. Is responsible for completing a detailed review of progress based on completed observation/ reflections
    2. Identifies patterns of performance
    3. Provides a succinct synthesis and impression of the trainee’s progress to Competence committee
  2. Secondary Reviewer:
    1. All other CC members are responsible for reviewing all trainees on agenda as secondary reviewer and be prepared to discuss their progress
  3. Primary reviewer will recommend a learner status based on the documented observations and will initiate a discussion on the issues arising from their review.
  4. Competence committee members will discuss the status recommendation and vote on the learner’s official status in the program