Centre for Quality, Innovation and Safety Update

During this time, there have been a number of clinical initiatives supported by the Centre and its members related to key quality and safety objectives, including Virtual Care and Discharge Summary Timeliness, with others being currently developed in line with key stakeholder priorities.
Even during these challenging months, members have continued to be active and four teams have had abstracts accepted for presentation at the Institute for Healthcare Improvements Annual Conference in December - Dr. Jennifer D’Cruz, Dr. Erin Spicer and the LHSC COVID-19 Care Clinic team; Dr. Uday Deotare and team; and Mr. Joseph Carson and team (two abstracts).
In addition, Drs. Alan Gob and Mayur Brahmania have developed and implemented two new educational programs for Quality and Patient Safety aimed at trainees and faculty, as well as other health professions and Ivey Business students. The monthly, interactive Mastermind educational series is taking place online, and all those interested are encouraged to attend. Over time, there are plans for further accreditation and development of other educational programs to support the needs of our stakeholders and communities with regards to Quality and Patient Safety.
During the coming weeks, the Centre will be engaging stakeholders in the development of its five-year strategic plan and faculty who are not already involved are welcome to take part in the process. The Centre’s website will be active by December, but in the meantime, any queries should be directed to cathy.cole@lhsc.on.ca.