Faculty Development

New Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry Faculty Development Framework

This framework is a draft document.  It will be revised and updated reflecting the ongoing faculty development needs of the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry. 

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FD Framework

Most Recent Faculty Development Modules: (April 16, 2024)

The following modules, including content and videos, are for the exclusive purpose of providing a faculty development learning opportunity to achieve the identified learning objectives. Any purpose beyond this would require connecting with Continuing Professional Development, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University (cpd@schulich.uwo.ca).

*NEW Hit the Ground Running: What to Know BEFORE You Start a Systematic or Scoping Review Project

*NEW The Hidden Curriculum in Health Professions Education

Small Group Facilitation

Supportive Questioning for Learning

Integrating Learners into Virtual Care

Teaching Philosophy Statement Composition

Introduction to Sustainable Health Systems

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI)- Foundations

Dismantling Anti-Black Racism: A Toolkit for Health Professions

Steps Towards Becoming a 2SLBGTQI+ Ally

Clinical Teaching - Co-Creating Mutual Goals: Forging an Education Alliance

Clinical Teaching - Direct Observation and Feedback in a Clinical Setting

Clinical Teaching - Probing Clinical Reasoning

Clinical Teaching - Reflections and Feedback Conversations

Professionalism in Medicine & Dentistry Part I: Definition, Development & Departures


Engage & complete learning activities designed for Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry faculty.