The Hat Rack

hat rack with hat and white physician coats

Find Something to Hang Your Hat On!

Listen to The Hat Rack podcast where physicians in practice gain access to the strategies that CME/CPD experts and influencers use to effectively plan CME to implement change in their professional practice. The Hat Rack guests draw from their extensive experience as developers, contributors and promoters of CME/CPD, providing insights at local, provincial, national and international levels.

Hosted by Dr. Bill McCauley, Associate Dean of Continuing Professional Development in the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at Western University.

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Season 1

Ep. 1:  Be Your Own CME Director

Dr. Dave Davis suggests you consider being your own CME Director from his over 40 years of experience as a practicing physician and CME/CPD influencer. A Western University medical school graduate, Dr. Davis has been involved in changing and improving the quality of CME/CPD for practicing physicians by holding many roles over his career. Among other positions, he has been Chair of Continuing Education at McMaster's Faculty of Health Sciences, Associate Dean of CPD at the University of Toronto, Chair for the Alliance for CME, and Chair of the Society of Academic Medicine.

Dave Davis on LinkedIn

Article discussed in episode.

Ep. 2:  I need fewer credits?  Is this true?

The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) provides a preview of future changes to the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Program. Katherine Marsden, Associate Director of Learning & Strategy, RCPSC shares updates, supports and clarification throughout her interview with 'The Hat Rack'.

Ep. 3:  Capturing your CPD - Become a Mainpro+ Pro!

Welcome Melissa Lujan and Zarreen Warsi from The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) to ‘The Hat Rack’. Listen in on our conversation highlighting the Mainpro+ Program, Professional Learning Plans (PLP) opportunities and Linking Learning. Rethink your approach to capturing your CPD through point of care learning and peer learning as well as hear about the upcoming 2024 changes at the CFPC.

Ep. 4:  The Neural Network: Unleashing AI’s Potential in Healthcare

Learn together with ‘The Hat Rack’ on how artificial intelligence is being used in healthcare.  Dr. Rob Arntfield, Medical Director of the Critical Care Trauma Centre at London Health Sciences Centre provides some background on AI, how AI is being used today, predictions for future opportunities along with strategies of how to get involved with AI in your practice.

Website referred to in podcast: Western Sono

Ep. 5:  Driving Skills Home: Tractor Wisdom and Procedural Mastery with Dr. Kovacs

George Kovacs of Dalhousie University and a practicing physician in Nova Scotia discusses with ‘The Hat Rack’ skills acquisition and procedural learning.  Are you practicing enough?  Where are your practicing opportunities?  With our guest’s many years of experience, Dr. Kovacs explains how the Clinical Cadaver Program came to be.  Listen In.

Ep. 6:  Transformative Learning and How to Make a Baby Pee: Insights from Dr. Steve Wong of "This Changed My Practice" at UBC

In this episode we delve into transformative learning in medical practice with Dr. Steve Wong, director of the renowned "This Changed My Practice" program at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Wong shares invaluable insights on integrating Continuing Medical Education (CME) seamlessly into daily practice, highlighting real-life stories of impactful changes and innovations. Join us for an enlightening conversation that explores the power of reflective learning and practical strategies to enhance professional growth and patient care.

Summer Series

The Hat Rack: CPD Horizons Summer Series 2024 is a collection of short episodes released weekly throughout the summer. Each episode is derived from sessions recorded during the CPD Horizons Day in May, celebrating the work done by the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) team at Schulich. The episodes are designed to be brief, around ten minutes, making them easy to listen to during summer activities like heading to the beach or going on a bike ride.

Ep. 1: Kickoff to CPD Horizons with Dean Dr. John Yoo and Dr. Fawad Ahmed: Unveiling the Summer Series and Windsor’s Development Plan

In the first episode, Dr. John Yoo, the Dean of Medicine, delivers a greeting and discusses the significance of CPD, emphasizing its value and the efforts to enhance continuing education and professional development at Schulich. Following this, Dr. Fawad Ahmed, a family doctor and chair of the Schulich Windsor Faculty Development Committee, provides insights into the Windsor Faculty Development Plan, highlighting their innovative three-year rolling seminar series aimed at addressing the specific development needs of faculty members in Windsor.

Ep. 2: Exploring Leadership Development with Dr. Kristin Clemens: Insights from the Harvard Leadership Certificate Program

In this episode, Dr. Kristin Clemens, an endocrinologist and associate professor in the Department of Medicine at Schulich, discusses the Faculty Development Mini Fellowship, a unique opportunity awarded through the CPD Office, and shares her enriching experience with the Harvard Leadership Certificate Program. She details the courses she took, the skills she developed, and the impact of emotional intelligence on her leadership style. This episode provides valuable insights for anyone interested in leadership development and professional growth within the medical field.

Episode 3 coming on Friday, July 5, 2024 at 8:00 AM EST!


Listen to The Hat Rack on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or where you listen to your podcasts: Gaana, Player FM, Audacy, Deezer & more. Watch us on YouTube.