New Article by Chris Watling in Medical Education
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
We're pleased to highlight a new article just published by Dr. Chris Watling, "Learning from clinical work: the roles of learning cues and credibility judgements", in the leading journal Medical Education. Dr. Watling is a CERI Education Research Fellow and Centre Researcher. The article, which was co-authored by Erik Driessen and Cees van der Vleuten of the University of Maastricht, and Lorelei Lingard, Senior Scientist and Director at CERI, proposes a model of how medical learners make complex judgements regarding the credibility of information they receive about their clinical performance.
His article was also the subject of a guest commentary in the latest volume of Medical Education. We'd like to congratulate Dr. Watling on the growing recognition that his research is receiving within the international medical education community.