New papers in Academic Medicine and Advances in Health Sciences Education
Friday, February 10, 2012
We're pleased to announce that two new papers by Department of Medicine faculty have been recently published in leading medical education journals.
Congratulations is extended to Dr. Kathryn Myers, Chair/Chief of General Internal Medicine & CERI Centre Researcher, for her presentation of the research paper, "A mixed-methods analysis of residents' written comments regarding their clinical supervisors" at the 2011, AAMC-RIME Meeting, in Denver , CO. The paper, which was co-authored by Elaine Zibrowski and Lorelei Lingard of CERI, was nominated for "Best Research Paper" at the 2011 AAMC-RIME Conference. In their work, Dr. Myers and colleagues explored the information quality of medical residents' comments about their clinical supervisors using content analytic and linguistic concordancing methods. Their paper appears in the October 2011 supplement of the journal Academic Medicine.
Congratulations is also extended to Dr. Mark Goldszmidt, Associate Professor, Division of General Internal Medicine & Associate Director of CERI, for the publication of the research article, "Expanding the basic science debate: The role of physics knowledge in interpreting clinical findings." The paper, which was co-principally authored by John Paul Minda, Associate Professor, Western's Department of Psychology, explores the role that non-biomedical knowledge can play in the learning and retention of diagnostic concepts. The article which was published online in the journal Advances in Health Sciences Education in October 2011, evolved from a collaboration between Western University, the Wilson Centre for Education, and the University of Toronto.