Curriculum Development

The curriculum was founded on the principles of CBME to support active life-long learners as graduates who deliver on all our new competencies which are derived from CanMEDS 2015.
We will continue to focus on supporting the goal of graduating generalist physicians. Our learning model will be enhanced to utilize our entire distributed clinical learning network between London, Windsor, and our Distributed Education regional sites.
The MD Program is a four-year curriculum with the major clinical learning in third and fourth years while introducing students to patient care early in the first semester of Year 1 and offering more formative and sequenced learning prior to Clerkship.
With CBME, there arises an opportunity for students who demonstrate curricular competence early to engage in additional parallel learning in other aligned degree and certificate learning streams.
The curriculum:
1. Focus on the learner and support them meeting all outcome measures
2. Deliver students skilled for their next stage of education
3. Using formative assessment and with new and some existing assessment models – including Programmatic Assessment - to support improved learner knowledge, skills and attitudes for clinical care and scholarly work
4. Require all students demonstrate each defined stage of achieving our competencies along a continuum across four years into residency.