IACTA 2015 Annual Conference, Jaipur, India: Lectures, presentations, and more

The Department is very proud of our faculty members who participated in the 18th Indian Association of Cardiovascular Thoracic Anaesthesiologists (IACTA) conference held in Jaipur, the "pink city" of India. Congratulations to all of our presenters! 

Dr. V.A. Punnose Oration

Anaesthesiology Beyond the Face-Mask
Speaker: Dr. Davy Cheng

Session: Cardiac Critical Care

Tips and Tricks to Reduce Bias and Uncertainty in Clinical Decision-Making
Presenter: Dr. Janet Martin

Session: Anaesthetics and Cardiac Surgery

Dexmedetomidine for Post-Op Sedation: Proven Benefit or Too Soon to Tell
Presenter: Dr. Janet Martin

Click here to learn more about IACTA 2015.

CME / Refresher Courses, Lectures

Anaemia and Cardiac Surgery
Presenter: Dr. Achal Dhir

Cardiac Surgery in a Patient with End Stage Liver Disease
Presenter: Dr. Achal Dhir

OPCAB Surgery in High Risk Patients: Evidence of Benefits
Presenter: Dr. Davy Cheng


Dr. Cheng presents at the 2015 IACTA Annual Meeting