Faculty Supports

Faculty-Flowchart-Header-880x400.pngWho to Contact

Department Chair

Talking to familiar and friendly faces may be a comfortable option for you to start.They can help guide you to the next steps with confidential assistance.

University of Western Ontario Facualty Association (UWOFA)

The UWOFA Faculty Collective Agreement contains an article called Discrimination and Harassment that outlines various options available to UWOFA Members dealing withissues of discrimination and harassment.
UWOFA Member Services Officer uwofamso@uwo.ca or Your UWOFA Faculty Representative
*UWOFA represents faculty who have academic appointments*

Western's Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Western's Employee Assistance Program (EAP), provided by TELUS Health, offers confidential and free counseling services to all Western employees and their immediate family members. These services are designed to optimize your well-being and provide support as you navigate various life challenges, including workplace-related issues.

Human Resources - Employee Well-being

Employee Well-Being at Western encompasses both supportive and proactive services and programs to help guide you on next steps and available resources.

Human Rights Office

The Human Rights Office can help with any and all issues. By reporting to the office you can set up a confidential consultation to discuss options available for your situation. The office can also assist the process of filing a formal complaint, if you wish to do.

Support Services

Campus Supports & Services

Community Supports & Services

Gender-Based Violence & Survivor Support


Mental Health