Gayle Halas, PhD, RDH, MA



University of Manitoba (Manitoba)

Gayle Halas is an Assistant Professor and Rady Chair in Interprofessional Collaborative Practice at the University of Manitoba, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences. She is the Manitoba Lead for the Canadian Primary Care Research Network and has contributed to the development of a network of primary care providers, patients, policy makers and interdisciplinary researchers. Her research focuses on team-based and collaborative practice in primary healthcare, integrated care and informational needs across the adult care continuum, with particular emphasis on patient/puSablic experiences of care and navigating the system of providers particularly for addressing complex needs and transitions in care. Her research career has had a unique concentration on the development and exploration of computer-based technologies for information and data collection processes. Halas is also affiliated with the Canadian Health Workforce Network with the aim of strengthening the health workforce through interprofessional networks and virtual communication channels. Her areas of methodological expertise encompass patient-oriented research, phenomenology and systematic conduct of scoping reviews.