Pizza Day for United Way
Friday, October 23, 2009
Help kick off Schulich Medicine & Dentistry's 2009 Campaign with our "Pizza Day for United Way" Wednesday, October 28 from 11:30 to 1:00. Pizza will be served up in the Medical Sciences Lobby, Dental Sciences Lobby (lower ground, off Dental Circle), and Robarts Atrium. Advance sales will be accepted for those in the Research Park. Please contact Charlotte Sikatori for details.
You'll get a slice of pizza, a cookie and a pop or water for only $5 with the proceeds going to the United Way. Special thanks to Western's Hospitality Services.
Schulich's campaign goal for 2009 is $100,000. Please consider payroll deduction. Bring back your United Way envelopes to the volunteers serving lunch and your name will be entered in Western's early bird draw.