Seeking new Research Chair in Rural Women’s Health
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Dean Carol Herbert (Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry) and Dean Jim Weese (Faculty of Health Sciences) wish to announce that a search will begin shortly for the Research Chair in Rural Women's Health. The search is expected to take one year to complete leading to a July 1, 2009 appointment.
The Chair of RuralWoman's Health was establishedin 2002 to provide a strategic role in ensuring a gendered focus on programs that target women's health in rural settings. Dr. Beverly Leipert was appointed the inaugural Chair in 2003 and she worked to:
I. consolidate existing work in Rural Health and Women's Health by providing a central locus for educators, researchers, community partners to share ideas, exchange information, develop collaborative programs and disseminate project findings;
II.expand opportunities for students, faculty and community members to participate in learning about issues in Rural Women's Health through curriculum development, communication and dissemination initiatives that aim to translate research outcomes into applied practice, community-based collaborative interventions, and mentorship programs that target younger women in professional practice;
III.promote the critical application of a gender-lens to a broad range of education and research topics pertaining to Rural Women's Health and welfare, and;
IV.develop leading research into Rural Women's Health including: health status, health determinants, health care needs, and the use of health care resources and effective models for health care delivery.
Dr. Leipert will remain in the role for the 2008-09 academic year to maintain continuity and sustain momentum for this critical area within theUniversity.
Additional information can be obtained by contacting either:
Dean Carol Herbert, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry or Dean Jim Weese,
Faculty of Health Sciences