Eric Arts, professor and Canada Research Chair in HIV Pathogenesis and Viral Control

Dr. Fred Possmayer, BSc’61, PhD’65

Making medical history

The research of Dr. Fred Possmayer, BSc’61, PhD’65, has saved the lives of thousands of premature infants in Canada and around the world, earning him the Order of Ontario in 2024. Over the past few decades, Possmayer’s research development – the bovine lipid extract surfactant (BLES) – has made medical history, changing the world’s standard of care for premature babies with respiratory distress.

While in high school, I read a Scientific American sponsored book, The Origins of Life. I became fascinated by the idea of the chemistry of life. I am still trying to comprehend how a substance in our lungs, pulmonary surfactant, is keeping us alive.”

Eric Arts, professor and Canada Research Chair in HIV Pathogenesis and Viral Control

Celina Virjee, BMSc Honors’14, MPH’15, MD’20

Family-focused physician

Celina Virjee (née Dharamshi), BMSc Honors’14, MPH’15, MD’20, is a family physician in Calgary practising in urgent care, community family medicine and surgical assisting. Passionate about environmental health, Virjee works on projects to reduce health care’s carbon footprint, including raising awareness about the high carbon impact of asthma inhalers. Virjee also recently welcomed her second child and is enjoying motherhood.

Something I’ve learned along this journey is that medicine is humbling, and there will inevitably be times when you face challenges or make mistakes. Learn from these experiences, accept feedback graciously, and strive to improve continuously.”

Eric Arts, professor and Canada Research Chair in HIV Pathogenesis and Viral Control

Jamie Cleary, BMSc Honors’16

An agent of change

Jamie Cleary, BMSc Honors’16, found his passion for government relations and advocacy through his vice president role with Western’s University Students’ Council. Taking a non-traditional route in his career, Cleary has worked in a number of leadership roles across government. With a focus on health care at consulting firm Monitor Deloitte, he now advises public sector organizations on strategy, funding and operations.

The transferable skills I received from my degree helped me build my career and opened my eyes to the art of the possible. Without going down a traditional medical path, I am still able to make a large impact within the health-care sector. ”

Eric Arts, professor and Canada Research Chair in HIV Pathogenesis and Viral Control

Dr. Sonia Palleck, DDS’93, MCID’99

From orthodontist to author & artist

Dr. Sonia Palleck, DDS’93, MClD’99, has been an orthodontist in private practice for 25 years. In 2023, she self-published a four-book fictional series – and even designed and painted each cover – based on her life, entitled Leave the Little Light On. She plans to launch a Christmas book later this year, and will soon compete in the finals of Speaker Slam, North America’s largest inspirational speaking competition.

Shake what your trauma gave you.”

Eric Arts, professor and Canada Research Chair in HIV Pathogenesis and Viral Control

Dr. Matthew Galati, BMSc Honors’11, MD’16

Revolutionizing brain health

During his second year of medical school, Dr. Matthew Galati, BMSc Honors’11, MD’16, was in a serious car accident, suffering a severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). A decade later, Galati is the founder of not-for-profit organization, Brain Changes Initiative, and is on a mission to revolutionize brain health and elevate the standard of care for brain injury survivors.

It’s important to be your own best advocate. People with lived TBI experience should take power into their own hands to keep themselves fully informed so they can make the best recovery possible.”

Eric Arts, professor and Canada Research Chair in HIV Pathogenesis and Viral Control

Cathy Khuu, BMSc Honors’10

Mastering the art of communication

Cathy Khuu, BMSc Honors’10, worked in the advertising agency world for the past decade, before she discovered the world of medical communications. Khuu now works as a director of project management with medical communications agency Six Degrees Medical, where she has united her passion for project management and background in science.

Run the mile you’re in. Milestones—in projects or in life—mark a single point in time, but it takes many steps to achieve them, so we may as well enjoy the journey along the way.”

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