
Dr. Bertha Garcia’sEducator Extraordinaire

At 13, Dr. Garcia started teaching children in some of Lima, Peru’s poorest neighbourhoods. This humanitarian act, which brought her to the slums of her hometown, became her first foray into teaching and helped define an incredible career.

MazeTo Tweet or Not to Tweet

"Social media is a very powerful tool. It has the power to highlight our professional values, and the power to degrade our professionalism." With this view, Dr. Barry Schwartz, assistant professor, Schulich Dentistry sets out a 21st century dilemma for health care practitioners and educators.

Dr. Jennifer GunterWielding the Lasso of Truth

Alumna Dr. Jennifer Gunter made international headlines this past year for her pointed and passionate criticism of a celebrity lifestyle and wellness website, calling it out on social media and her blog for promoting the myths that bras cause breast cancer, tomatoes cause obesity and condoms are carcinogenic.

TedA Scientific Artist: Seeing the World Through a Camera Lens

The sun is high in the sky, and a bead of sweat rolls down his forehead and into his eye as he squints through the viewfinder of his camera. The guttural roar of dirt bikes in the distance gets louder and more intense as the pack of riders draws closer.

Dr. Marina SalvadoriChampioning the Cause

Dr. Marina Salvadori says when it comes to treating children, clean water and vaccinations are the two most important public health interventions on the planet.