"The Basics of Well-Being" Physician Wellness 1/2 Day CME Event

Registration CLOSED


"The Basics of Well-Being"
Physician Wellness 1/2 Day CME Event

Monday, December 10, 2018

F2-235 Auditorium, Mental Health Care Building, Parkwood Institute
550 Wellington Road South, London, ON N6C 0A7

8:00 am Registration and Breakfast 8:15 am Physician Wellness in Psychiatry and Physiatry Dr. Ricardo Viana, Dr. Jonathan Gregory, Dr. Ali Bateman Results of Maslach Burnout Inventory shared with group (anonymous mobile phone poll) Objectives: (1) Review the concept of physician wellness and related constructs such as burnout and resilience (2) Compare the factors which contribute to wellness for clinicians in psychiatry and physiatry, highlighting similarities. 8:45 am Physician Health and Wellness Dr. Jon Novick, OMA Physical Health Program Objectives: (1) Demonstrate knowledge of the definition, clinical features, positive and negative contributing factors, epidemiology, and consequences of burnout. (2) Review individual and organizational dimensions of wellness, including strategies to develop wellness culture within the workplace. 9:40 am Physicians in Distress- Local Perspective Dr. Don Farquhar, Learner Equity and Wellness Office & Dr. Mithu Sen, Faculty Equity & Wellness Objectives: (1) Review local experiences physician distress. (2) List local resources available to trainees or consultants. 10:15 am Breakout Groups (30 minutes each) Session 1: Guided Meditation Session-Session Leader: Jennifer Sorochan, PhD candidate, Clinical Psychology Session 2: Gratitude Exercise (Session Leader: Dr. Jonathan Gregory and Dr. Ali Bateman) Attendees will be divided into two groups and complete both activities 11:20 am The BASICs and Fundamentals of Civility Dr. Jon Novick, OMA Physical Health Program Objectives: (1) Develop strategies to prevent and address burnout and promote wellness. (2) Define civility and develop an approach to interacting with civility in the workplace. (3) Empower audience to advocate for a workplace culture that promotes civility and all dimensions of wellness. 12:10 pm Lunch Panel Discussion Dr. R. Viana, Dr. J. Gregory, Dr. A. Bateman, Dr. J. Novick, Dr. M. Sen, Dr. D. Farquhar Lunch served during Questions & Answer period 12:50 pm Evaluation Forms and Adjournment

Overall Program Learning Objectives

  1. To review the concept of wellness as it applies to physicians and demonstrate knowledge of the definition, clinical features, epidemiology, and consequences of burnout at all career stages.

  2. To develop an approach to preventing, recognizing, and treating burnout and promoting well-being in self and fellow physicians.

  3. To empower the audience to pursue their own wellness and to advocate for workplace culture that promotes (civility and) all dimensions of wellness.


This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and approved by Continuing Professional Development, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University. You may claim a maximum of 4.5 hours (credits are automatically calculated).

Each participant should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent participating in the educational program.

This program has no commercial support.